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What is the EFA?

EFA Students and Public Schools

Reporting EFA Students

Resolving Overlaps


What is the Education Freedom Account program?

The Education Freedom Account (EFA) program was launched in school year 2021-2022. It provides per-pupil education adequacy grants directly to families to use for their choice of educational programming for their school age children.


Information about the EFA program, including eligibility and application guidelines, may be found at the NH Department of Education's website.



EFA Students and Public School Districts

Students who are participating in the EFA program CANNOT enroll full time in their resident district or other regular district of attendance.



EFA students are NOT eligible for adequacy aid, and must be reported as parent paid when enrolled in a public school district, even if the district chooses not to charge tuition.



Reporting EFA students enrolled in the public school

1) EFA Students attending school in their resident district or regular district of attendance:


REMINDER - EFA students CANNOT enroll full time in their resident district or regular district of attendance


If a student withdraws from the EFA program and re-enters the district as a traditional full time student, the district should exit the student from their enrollment status 10 record and re-enter them as a regular district student.

2) EFA Students attending school in a district OTHER than their resident district or regular district of attendance:

EFA students may attend a public school in a district OTHER than their resident district or regular district of attendance, provided the district agrees, on either a part-time or full time basis.


  • Enrollment status: 2

  • Town of responsibility: 990

  • District of responsibility: 930

  • Full Day Percentage: Full day percentage is only required for a full time EFA student if the student is in Kindergarten.

    • The EFA program does not cover preschool



Overlapping enrollments between the EFA program and the public school district

Since EFA participants may enroll in public school, it is not unusual to see overlapping enrollment records between the EFA program and the public school district. Some of these overlaps may be dismissed, but others require follow-up.
