Note: Please know, this data collection is independent of the student level data collected currently via i4see and in the future via iNHDEX. Additionally, ESS will continue for the prior forms, until we migrate them all to the new ESSP system.
All “General Users” and “Superintendents” who have access to the ESS system have been automatically granted access to the new ESSP system. Additionally, the local Security Administrator for each SAU should now have the ability to grant access to additional users within your district. You will access the system through My.doe.nh.gov, the NHED single sign on system.
Collections in ESSP:
IBAS (Input Based Assessment System) data collection. (DONE)
Health Education Biennial Data Collection (DONE)
2024 State Assessment Monitoring
School Board Member - Collection
Teacher Salary Schedule 2024-2025 SY (DONE)
Renewal to Operate a K-12 Public School Facility (Part 1)- (LIVE)
Renewal to Operate a K-12 Public School Facility (Part 2)- (LIVE)
To start, you might want to: