Data Collection Location: Complete this data collection through the Education Statistics System (ESS) in the MyNHDOE Single Sign-On System.
Instructions: Please complete this form based on classes and staffing as of October 1, 2020. PLEASE NOTE – The 2020-2021 Data Collection INCLUDES SPECIAL EDUCATION STAFF. There will be no separate SPED Personnel Data Collection.
Due Date: October 15, 2020
NUMBER OF CLASSES: Report the number of classes for grades R through 8. If a classroom is regular ed multi-grade, please prorate the class to the nearest hundredth based on the number of students.
For For example, if there were 4 first graders and 16 second graders in a classroom, it would result in the following:
You would report 0.20 classes under grade 1 and 0.80 classes under grade 2.
For middle school grades, report the number of classes only if the students receive a majority of their instruction as a group in the same class. If students rotate classes during the day, please leave the field zero (note: “N/A” will not be accepted by ESS).
Include only filled positions; do not count vacant positions.
In this section, the elementary column should include preschool, kindergarten, and grade 7 and 8 personnel.Please include only grades 9-12 in the secondary school column.
Record all personnel in full‑time equivalency (FTE). FTE is the amount of time allocated to an assignment stated as a proportion of a full‑time position. It is computed by dividing the number of work hours for an individual by the number of full-time hours for that position. Part‑time positions should also be reported in full‑time equivalency. For example, if the normal teaching load is four courses, a teacher with only one course would be reported at .3 (.25 rounded to one digit).
An employee having more than one assignment should be counted in terms of full-time equivalency in each assignment. For example, if the full-time work day is 7 hours and a person works 3.5 hours per day as a teacher and 2 hours as a guidance counselor he should be counted as 0.5 teacher and 0.3 guidance counselor.
Specific SPED Staffing Information:
Please Contact Lisa Moody, or 603-271-3738, with questions on the SPED Staffing section.
When school districts contract with special education teachers, paraprofessionals, and/or related services personnel to provide services for students with disabilities who are enrolled in charter schools, the school district must report the FTEs for these teachers, paraprofessionals and related services providers in the survey.
When When a school district reimburses a charter school for special education teachers, paraprofessional and/or related services personnel for students with disabilities who are enrolled in charter schools, the school district must report the FTEs for these teachers, paraprofessionals and related services providers in the survey.
If a charter school employs or contracts with any personnel to provide special education or related special education services, to include paraprofessionals, and is not reimbursed by the school district, then the charter school must report the number of FTE individuals that provided the related services, to include paraprofessionals, in the Special Education Personnel survey.
Teaching Personnel
Line Line 1.
Record as FTE the number of full and part‑time preschool teachers.
Record as FTE the number of full and part-time special education classroom teachers. Do not include any preschool or kindergarten teachers counted above. Include special education teachers whose classes may or may not be graded and those without classroom. Include special education teachers without classrooms who assist regular teachers with the development of instructional programs.
Lines Lines 5 & 6.
Record as FTE the number of persons employed, full or part-time, as instructional aides or paraprofessionals. Instructional aides or paraprofessionals are defined as staff members assigned to assist teachers with such activities as monitoring, clerking, operating equipment and/or providing limited instruction under the supervision of a certified teacher. Note: Include only paid staff, not volunteer aides.
Regular Instructional Aides -Record as FTE the number of persons employed, full or part‑time, as regular education instructional aides.
Special Education Aides - Record as FTE the number of persons employed, full or part-time as special education aides. These aides assist special education teachers and students in either a special education classroom or regular education classroom. One-on-one aides, student support specialists and student coaches should be reported here.
Record the FTE of assistant principals.
Line 9.
NEW! Record the FTE of instructional coordinators and supervisors who supervise programs at the school/district. Include supervisors of educational television staff; coordinators and supervisors of audiovisual services; curriculum coordinators or supervisors and in-service training staff, including teacher mentors; Title I coordinators and home economics supervisors; and supervisory staff engaged in development of computer-assisted instruction.
(1) Work under the supervision of a certified special education teacher;
(2) Are supervised and observed by a certified special education teacher under whom they work as often as deemed necessary by the SCHOOL DISTRICT, but no less than once each week;
(3) Implement a plan designed by the certified educator;
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NOTE: Please be sure to indicate number of FTE’s for 3 – 5 year olds and number of FTE’s for 6 – 21 year olds per IDEA reporting requirements |
Line Line 18.
Report the FTE of Audiologists employed or contracted to work with children with disabilities (IDEA) who are ages 3 through 21. Audiologists - provide the following services to children with disabilities:
(6) Assisting in developing positive behavioral intervention strategies.
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Note – For reporting psychologists whose service time is divided between children with disabilities (IDEA) and children in the general population, base the reported FTE on only the percentage of time the psychologist works specifically with children receiving (or being evaluated for) special education and related services. |
Line 22.
Report the FTE of Occupational Therapists employed or contracted to work with children with disabilities (IDEA) who are ages 3 through 21. Occupational therapists - provide the following services to children with disabilities:
(2) Nursing services designed to enable a child with a disability to receive FAPE as described in the child’s IEP, with the exception of services related to medical devices that are surgically implanted (e.g., cochlear implants).
Line Line 26.
Report the FTE of Counselors and Rehabilitation Counselors employed or contracted to work with children with disabilities (IDEA) who are ages 3 through 21. Counselors and rehabilitation counselors – provide the following services to children with disabilities:
(d) Other concepts, techniques, and tools.
Line Line 28.
Report the FTE of Physical Therapist Service Staff employed or contracted to work with children with disabilities (IDEA) who are ages 3 through 21. Physical therapists provide the following services to children with disabilities: