Step by Step Site-Based Licensing Plan Instructions

Step by Step Site-Based Licensing Plan Instructions

SOE - Statement of Eligibility

IPDP - Individualized Professional Development Plan

BOP - Beginning of Plan

INT - Intern Authorization

EOP - End of Plan

DOE - Department of Education





Obtain an SOE

  1. Review the SOE Requirements to determine if you are eligible for this pathway.

  2. If so, submit application/fee.

  3. Your SOE will be emailed to you when issued.


  1. Use SOE to become hired by a New Hampshire PK-12 employer in the role of the endorsement on your SOE. CTE Specialty Area Site-Based Licensing Plans are only authorized with employment at a NH CTE Center.
    Ed 505.05 (c) SOE credential holders shall be employed in a New Hampshire school in the role of the endorsement that allows them to learn and demonstrate the professional education standards enumerated in Ed 505.03, if applicable, and the endorsement requirements enumerated in Ed 506 through Ed 508.

  2. Provide your potential employer with a copy of your SOE.

  3. Your employer will enter an assignment into the Educator Information System (EIS). You must have at least one assignment in the endorsement area on your SOE to begin the Site-Based Licensing Plan process. Candidates are only able to work on one endorsement area plan at a time. Employer questions about self-contained special education assignments can be submitted through our Help Desk.

  4. Your employer will assign you a mentor. Working With Your Mentor

  5. Print the SBLP Materials Guide for yourself, your mentor and your employer.

  6. Please create a NH Department of Education Canvas/Instructure account using the following link to enroll in the Site-Based Licensing Plan - Candidate Course.  This course will assist you with all the steps of the Site-Based Licensing Plan to become fully licensed.


Click on image to enlarge.

BOP Submission by the Senior Education Official

Within 60 days of date of hire or assignment in the role of the SOE

Review the common reasons for a revision request to avoid having a plan returned for a revision.

BOP submission PDF files must be less than 15 MB. We suggest scanning black and white, at 300 dpi resolution. If the document is already a PDF and you can use Adobe Acrobat Pro, you can reduce the PDF size - Menu/Save as other/Reduce size PDF:


The following roles in EIS are able to upload plans: Superintendent, Superintendent Designee, Charter School Administrator, Non-Public School Administrator. These roles will be able to submit the BOP electronically through the EIS/SBLP/BOP Submissions tab. EIS: Status Updates

For employer assistance, please submit a Help Desk request.

Once the Senior Education Official submits the approved BOP to our office, you will receive an email with directions to submit application/fee for your Intern Authorization. You will have 5 days to submit your application/fee or the plan will need to be re-uploaded by your employer.

Department of Education/Bureau of Credentialing BOP Review


Once you have paid, the plan moves from the BOP Submission tab to the DOE BOP Approval tab and puts the plan in queue for review here at the DOE.

Within 30 days the DOE will provide notification to you of receipt of a complete plan pending evaluation or incomplete plan with additional information needed.

Within 15 days of receipt of the notification of an incomplete plan the documentation must be submitted by you and your employer (or you will need to begin the BOP Submission process again with a new application/fee). The DOE will have 10 days to notify you if your plan is complete and pending evaluation.

Once complete, the DOE will have 30 days to evaluate your plan and notify you of either issuance of an Intern Authorization or revision request.

Please be advised, upon review of the plan, the DOE may request a revision, which may include additional activities to sufficiently meet a competency. The revision request will never indicate that a candidate must not complete an activity already approved by the Senior Educational Official.

Within 15 days of receipt of the notification of a revision request the revised plan must be submitted by you and your employer (or you will need to begin the BOP Submission process again with a new application/fee).


Revision request: a descriptive document will be emailed to the candidate’s email on file in EIS, the Senior Educational Official, and the SAU’s Site-Based Licensing Plan contact. The candidate’s name will also be returned to the EIS/SBLP/BOP Submission tab so that the revised plan can be re-uploaded in EIS. Candidates that need a plan revision upload will appear pink on the list.

If needed, you may submit a Help Desk request to ask any follow-up questions regarding your revision.

180 day deadline

Ed 505.09 (f)(4)  Within 180 days of the first day of employment pursuant to Ed 505.05(c), the SOE credential holder shall be credentialed under an intern authorization following the procedures outlined in (5) through (23).

If a BOP is not submitted and approved within 180 days from the first day of employment in the role requiring a SBLP, the candidate will no longer be eligible to participate in a SBLP and revisions will no longer be accepted.

Issuance of Intern Authorization

Must occur within 180 days of the first day of employment in the role.

This becomes the Official Agreement Between the DOE, the employer and the candidate.

Criminal History Record Check Clearance now required for First-Time Applicants.

Criminal History Record Check Clearance Instructions

Once the DOE evaluator also approves the plan, the Intern Authorization will be issued.

Apply for an Intern Authorization.

The Intern Authorization is valid for 3 years from the first date of employment in the endorsement area (not the date the Intern Authorization is issued), limited to no more than twice per endorsement. If you submit your plan late, you will have less time remaining on your Intern Authorization.

The candidate’s name will now appear on the employer’s EIS/SBLP/EOP Submission tab in preparation for completion of the plan and uploading the End of Plan.

Progress Reporting

The Senior Educational Official, in consultation with the mentor, shall file a report at the end of each school year attesting to the progress toward meeting the requirements of the plan.


Changes may not be made in the plan without prior approval from the Bureau of Credentialing. Substituting one activity for another without prior approval risks expending time and energy for which you may not receive credit.

Deactivated Intern Authorization

Upon the loss of employment, the Intern Authorization will be deactivated until new employment so long as the total duration of time employed under an active plan shall not exceed 3 years. Employers must submit a Help Desk request to notify our office when an employee has left employment so manual adjustments can be made to the Intern Authorization.

Transfer of Intern Authorization

You may obtain employment with another employer before your Intern Authorization period is complete as long as the duration of the plan does not change, the DOE is notified of the change of employment and an amended plan is submitted approved by the mentor assigned by the new employer, the new Senior Educational Official and the DOE.

EOP Submission by the Senior Education Official

Submit your End of Plan (EOP)





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