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Welcome to the iNHDEX Training Page!

A new state portal has been developed by Alma to improve real-time student-level data collection, validation, and certification.

Districts will:

● Use iNHDEX to upload, validate, and certify data with the State

● Continue to use i4see for certain functions

Test Harness Training (from 9/5/2024)

NHED Submission Layout Document for the school year 24/25

You can find the document on the iNHDEX Product page, or you can download the document directly by clicking the link below.

NEW iNHDEX: Submission Layout Document (version 2.0 published 6/7/2024)

NHED Submission Layout Document: TRAINING VIDEO (from 4/10/2024)


Presentation on LEA Information and Feedback Session:




What will the iNHDEX system be comprised of?
iNHDEX’s architecture and components are represented in the following image:

iNHDEX Architecture  

ONLY for SY 23/24 and ONLY for districts that use the Alma SIS at this time.

iNHDEX submission training for SY 23/24 for ALMA SIS districts only


A quick view on the Submission Process:

Additional Resources:



Frequently asked questions with solutions related to iNHDEX submissions.

Help Desk

Data Collection & Reporting Help Desk. You can raise issues for i4see, ESS, ESOL, Assessment or iReport and iNHDEX here.

Help us, Help YOU!

Please submit your training item suggestions
and feedback to the HelpDesk.


iNHDEX: General Information

What is iNHDEX?
iNHDEX is the name of New Hampshire’s new Statewide Student Information System (“SSIS”). In time, iNHDEX will replace the majority of the functionality currently provided by the State’s i4see data collection system.

What does "iNHDEX" stand for?
The acronym iNHDEX (pronounced “Index”) stands for Initiative for New Hampshire’s Data Exchange.

What will iNHDEX do?
iNHDEX is being developed and deployed to improve real-time student-level data collection, validation, and certification. Districts will use iNHDEX to upload, validate, and certify enrollment data to the State, but they will continue to use i4see for certain functions.

Where will iNHDEX be used?
iNHDEX will be used by all New Hampshire public schools and all 194 districts. 

Who will use iNHDEX? 
iNHDEX will be used by the administrators, security officers, and staff at the school and district levels who prepare and verify student data for submittal to the State. Likewise, state users will use iNHDEX to review the submitted data, manage workflows, and communicate with LEAs.

iNHDEX: Implementation Timeline & Details


When will iNHDEX be implemented?
iNHDEX will be phased-in over a 3-year period. 

How will iNHDEX be implemented?
The migration plan from i4see to iNHDEX will differ depending on whether districts use Alma’s SIS or not (i.e.”Non-Alma” districts) per the chart below.                                                        

►Year 1: School year 23/24

Alma SIS Districts:

Validate and submit data (BOY, EOY) through Alma Admin PortalAOY, anomaly reports and certification through i4see.    

Non-Alma Districts:


►Year 2: School Year 24/25

All Districts:

Submission, validation & certification through iNHDEX.    

Non-Alma Districts:

Manual upload through iNHDEX.

►Year 3: School Year 25/26

Non-Alma Districts:

Automated file uploads through Alma public APIs that can be implemented by district SIS vendors.                                                                                                                                 


More detail coming soon….


New Hampshire Department of Education 2022