Welcome to the NHED Help Desk. To submit a request, please select the correct department below.
Credentialing Help Desk
Welcome! You can raise a Credentialing Help Desk request here.
Data Collection & Reporting Help Desk
This Help Desk is for questions & support for the following systems: i4see, ESOL, ESS/ESSP, and iNHDEX
Assessment and Accountability Help Desk
The Assessment and Accountability Help Desk is a central support hub for assisting stakeholders with guidance, troubleshooting, and resources for the state assessment and accountability programs.
myNHDOE Help Desk
If currently employed at the SAU, District or school level, please contact your Local Security Administrator for assistance. Local Security Adminstrator list.
Certification and Educator Information System (EIS) questions - Please submit to the Credentialing Help Desk.
CATE Help Desk
This Help Desk is for questions and support related to NH Career and Technical Education Centers.
Grants Application Help Desk
This Help Desk is for questions and support related to NHED Grants Application.
Renew a license without a recommendation under a Professional Development Master Plan (PDMP) - includes those not employed in a NH school and those employed by a NH school employer not under a NHDOE Approved PDMP
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