This Tip Sheet has been designed to assist Districts in uploading Course Submissions.
To collect teachers and courses data. In addition, to collect assignments for those in roles that do not have courses, such as Principals or Superintendents.
Course Submissions
1. Who to include (which subjects)
2. How to upload (via i4see and/or EIS)
3. Some assignments don’t require class id, section id and term id
1. Who to include All educators within an SAU, District and School should be included in the Educator Information System (EIS) Assignments. We ask that you include all staff who must be credentialed. Additionally, we ask that you include staff that must be licensed by another agency (e.g. Nurses, Psychologists, etc.). Note: for the licensed staff, if they do not have an educator ID, you can create an educator id for them in the EIS system; choose the Search tab and then click on the bottom of the page on ‘Click Here to Add a New Educator.
2. How to Upload This information can be uploaded in the i4see CourseSubmission or entered directly in the EIS system. You can also roll-over your assignments from one year to the next (this is done in EIS). We recommend that roll-over is used at the beginning of the year, and that you first ‘clear all data’ from the school (for the new year), before you do the roll-over.
You can roll-over all your assignments, or just your district staff, or just specific schools. Perhaps your elementary and district staff are pretty consistent, but your high school assignments change quite a bit. In this case, you could roll-over the district and elementary schools, but upload a new 2 of 2
CourseSubmission for your high school. You could then make any individual ‘tweaks’ to the district and elementary school(s) directly in EIS. For the format of the CourseSubmission, please see the support guides on the i4see home page (
3. Some assignments don’t require class id, section id and term id
Most assignments require the key fields of sau, dist, school, educator id, subject code, section id, schoolYear, term id, local class code and name. However, to make it easier for assignments that are not traditional classroom assignments, you can enter simply the sau/dist/school, educator id and subject code. The other fields are not required. The assignments that only need the abbreviated information include: Assistant Superintendent; Associate Principal; Associate School Psychologist; Business Administrator; Career & Technical Director; Curriculum Administrator; District Administrator; Guidance Counselor; Guidance Director; Nurse; Occupational Therapist; Physical Therapist; Principal; School Psychologist; Social Worker; Special Education Administrator; Superintendent; Tutor; Tutor Tile 1.
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