Submission Course FAQ

Submission Course FAQ

This Tip Sheet has been designed to assist Districts in uploading the Submission Course (aka the Course Submission).


To collect teacher and course data. In addition, to collect assignments for those in roles that do not have courses, such as Principals or Superintendents.


All credentialed staff within an SAU, District and School. Include ALL staff that require an educator credential, even if they do not teach a course (e.g., Superintendent, Curriculum Director). Additionally, include staff who must be licensed by another agency (e.g., School Nurses, Psychologists, etc.). A New Hampshire educator ID is required for inclusion in the Submission Course.

If a licensed staff person (e.g., School Nurse) does not have an educator ID, you can create an educator id for them in the Educator Information System (EIS). Within EIS, choose the SEARCH tab and then select Click Here to Add a New Educator.  If you have questions about using EIS, please contact the Credentialing Help Desk (https://nhdoepm.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/6).


An Excel template of the Submission Course can be downloaded from the NHED websitehttps://www.education.nh.gov/who-we-are/division-of-educator-and-analytic-resources/bureau-of-education-statistics/user-guides-and-templates

The following fields are included in the Submission Course:

Element NameLong NameComment
SauNbrSchool Administrative Unit Number

Required for ALL records in the submission

DistNbrDistrict Number

Required for DISTRICT- or SCHOOL-LEVEL records only.

  • A Superintendent is an SAU-LEVEL position that applies to all districts and schools within the SAU. SAU-level records DO NOT require a district number or school number
  • A District Curriculum Coordinator is a DISTRICT-LEVEL position that applies to all schools within the district. District-level records DO require a district number, but DO NOT require a school number

NOTE: SAU-level records in multi-district SAUs only need to be submitted by ONE district within the SAU


School Number

Required for SCHOOL-LEVEL records only

  • A teacher assignment for 7th Grade Social Studies is a SCHOOL-LEVEL position and requires a school number
  • A School Nurse is a SCHOOL-LEVEL position and requires a school number
EducatorIdTeacher Certification IdRequired for ALL records in the submission
SubjectCodeSubject or Assignment Code

Required for ALL records in the submission.  The Subject/Assignment code should reflect the content of the assignment as well as the credential of the teacher. A mismatch between an assignment's subject code and a teacher's credential may lead to data anomalies in EIS.

SectionIdSection Id

Required for STUDENT COURSES only

  • Student courses are assignments that are primarily teaching-based. Teaching-based assignments are determined based on subject code.
  • An assignment of "6th Grade Science" IS a student course assignment, and requires a section ID
  • An assignment of "Principal" IS NOT a Student Course assignment and does not require a section ID

NOTE: The STUDENT COURSE designation is only applicable to school-level assignments. It is not applicable to SAU- or district-level assignments

BeginDateBegin date of courseRequired for ALL records in the submission
EndDateEnd date of courseRequired for ALL records in the submission
SchoolYearSchool Year

Required for ALL records in the submission

  • SCHOOL YEAR refers to the four-digit year in which the school year ends
  • For example, school year 2021-2022 would be reported as 2022
TermIdTerm Id

Required for STUDENT COURSES only (see Section ID for definition of Student Course)


Required for STUDENT COURSES only, and only for grades 9-12 (see Section ID for definition of Student Course)

  • For grades K-8, Credits must be blank or zero
PrimaryGradeIdPrimary Grade Id

Required for SCHOOL-LEVEL assignments only

  • Primary Grade ID cannot be 42 (K-12) or blank, unless the assignment is SAU- or district-level
  • A list of valid Primary Grade IDs can be found at the NHED Data Dictionary, iDefine (https://my.doe.nh.gov/DataDictionary/Default.aspx)
RoomNbrRoom NumberOptional
LocalClassCodeLocal Class Code

Required for STUDENT COURSES only (see Section ID for definition of Student Course)

  • The Local Class Code is generated by the district and may be any alphanumeric code up to 15 characters
LocalClassNameLocal Class Name

Required for STUDENT COURSES only (see Section ID for definition of Student Course)

  • The Local Class Name is generated by the district and may be any alphanumeric code up to 50 characters
  • Please avoid the use of commas in the Local Class Name
SCEDCommonCourseCodeSCED Common Course Code

Required for STUDENT COURSES only, and only for grades 9-12 (see Section ID for definition of Student Course)

  • The NH SCED Common Course code is a 10-character alphanumeric code that follows the format SCED#####X, where:
    • SCED is the constant four-letter prefix: S-C-E-D
    • ##### is the five-digit federal SCED code. The list of valid SCED codes can be found at the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) website (https://nces.ed.gov/scedfinder/Home/Browse)
    • X is the one-letter course rigor identifier. Valid course rigor identifiers are:
      • B for Basic or Remedial
      • G for General
      • E for Advanced or Enriched
      • H for Honors
      • C for College (e.g., dual-credit courses)

For example, the NH SCED Common Course Code for Honors Algebra I would be SCED02052H.



  • If used, this field should include the total number of competencies covered in a STUDENT COURSE
  • Values should be a numeric value up to three characters in length (e.g., 9; 12; 100)
  • Zero (0) is a permitted value


  1. Fill out the Submission Course template available at the NHED website, or pull the data directly from your district's Student Information System (SIS) using a premade extract. Contact your SIS vendor if you need assistance with an extract.
  2. Save the Submission Course as a CSV (comma separated value) file
    1. Do not use commas anywhere in your Submission Course file, as they will cause the submission to fail during the upload process
  3. In your web browser, navigate to the myNHDOE Single Sign-On portal: https://my.doe.nh.gov/myNHDOE/Login/Login.aspx
    1. If you do not have a single sign-on account, create one using the "Create an Account" link
  4. Login to your single sign-on account
    1. If you do not remember your password, or if your account has been disabled, use the "Forgot Username/Password Wizard" to reset your account
    2. For security purposes, passwords must be updated every few months
  5. Once in myNHDOE, navigate to i4see (Initiative for School Empowerment and Excellence)
    1. If you do not have access to i4see, contact your SAU's Local Security Coordinator to request access
    2. A list of Coordinators can be found at the NHED website (https://my.doe.nh.gov/Profiles/PublicReports/PublicReports.aspx?ReportName=i4seeContacts)
  6. Once in i4see, navigate to the UPLOAD FILES screen
    1. If you are a multi-district SAU, make sure you select the appropriate district from the dropdown menu, to avoid uploading the Submission Course to the wrong district's workbench
  7. Select "Submission Course" from the Submission Type dropdown menu
  8. Click CHOOSE FILE and browse to your saved Submission Course CSV file
  9. If your CSV file still contains the column headers (e.g., SASID, DateOfBirth, SAUNbr, etc), select the "Remove Headers" checkbox
    1. Selecting the "Remove Headers" checkbox will delete the first row of the CSV file upon upload
    2. If your file does NOT include the column headers, do NOT select this checkbox, as it will cause your first record to be deleted
  10. Enter a Comment if desired (e.g. "High School, First Semester")
  11. Click "Pre-Check Formatting"
    1. Pre-Check Formatting reviews all the records in the file to verify the formatting for each field is correct. It does not check the validity of the data
    2. For example, Pre-Check Formatting will check that the "Primary Grade ID" field contains no more than two numeric characters, but does NOT check if the Primary Grade ID code is a valid code
  12. If there are no formatting errors, a sample of the data in the submission will be displayed
    1. Only the first 99 records in the submission will be displayed as part of the sample
  13. If the sample looks correct, click the "Submit Data to DOE" button
    1. Your file is NOT submitted to i4see until you have clicked the "Submit Data to DOE" button
  14. Navigate to the WORKQUEUE tab.  Your Submission Course should be at the top of the workqueue
    1. If the status is UPLOADING, please refresh the screen using the "Refresh" button. An Uploading status should not last longer than a few seconds
    2. If the status is BATCH VERIFIED WITH ERRORS, select the batch by clicking the "Select" button, then click "View Detail"
      1. This will allow you to view the errors that are preventing the batch from verifying, and to correct the records that are causing the errors
      2. Once you have corrected the errors, return to the Workqueue, select the batch again, and click "Verify"
  15. Once the batch reaches BATCH VERIFIED, the submission is complete

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