School Annual Calendar Instructions

School Annual Calendar Instructions

From the “Schools” menu in i4see, click the menu item labeled “School Annual Calendar”. 

Populating Default Data

If this is the first time viewing the calendar for the selected year, you will see a button to prepopulate your calendar with the Department of Education’s initial calendar defaults. 

Click the Populate Default Calendar – All Schools button to pre-populate your calendar for All Schools.

If you have already pre-populated your calendar, you will see calendar data for the first available school in the School Dropdown.

Adding a New Event

First, select the school you wish to add a new event for, click the view button to populate the school data. 

 (TIP: If you are adding the event for ALL schools, it does not matter which school you select, select ALL SCHOOLS in the COPY TO section when adding the event.)

Next, click the “Add a New Event” button.


The new event panel will display some textboxes and options to select. 

  • Select the Event Type you wish to add from the dropdown list.

  • Enter the Event Date; (You may only enter one event per date, if an event already exists for the date entered, you will receive an error)

  • Select the closure type; whether school was closed or open

  • Enter any comments if desired

  • Lastly, if the event should be copied over to another individual school or ALL schools, select the option.  If the event does not need to be copied, leave the option N/A selected.

When all items are complete, click the “Insert Event” button to add the event.

Upon successful insert, you will receive a popup message. 

Editing an Event

To edit an event, select the school you wish to edit the event for, click the view button.  Next, click the “Edit” button next to the event you wish to edit. 

 You are now given the option to edit this record and update the following:

  • Event Date

  • Closure Type (“Y” = Closed, “N” = Open)

  • Comments on the record

Additionally, there is a Single & Multi-function record option:

You can switch the toggle from Single School to All Schools to update and/or delete the particular event type from the current school or ALL schools within the district.

  • Updating ALL school event types are only available when editing an event type specific to one day events, such as a holiday, first or last day of school.

  • Deleting event types from all schools requires two verifications.

(Tip: If an event cannot be updated to all schools, the “Save” button will be greyed out and disabled from use.)


The calendar will be available for you to add/edit events as they happen, such as closures due to maintenance and snow closures.  Please make sure to refer to this calendar instead of Education Statistics System (ESS) where it has been entered in the past. 


Confirming your District Calendar

Once your calendar is complete, please confirm the calendar by going to the Reporting Tab and choose District Batch Validation and for Submission Type choose EOY Enrollment.


  1. Click the highlighted link - District Calendar Report

  2. Review your results, if the report is correct, click to box to select and then click the blue Confirm Report link.


If you have any additional questions or concerns, please contact the I4See Help Desk by submitting a ticket here.


Thank you!

NH Department of Education



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