Beginning of Year (BOY) Anomaly Reports

Beginning of Year (BOY) Anomaly Reports

The following Knowledge Base article describes the different anomaly reports associated with the i4see Beginning of Year (BOY) submission. Please read this article to understand the purpose of each anomaly report and how to resolve any errors highlighted in each report.

The NH Department of Education (NHDOE) requires all anomaly reports be cleared before a BOY or EOY submission is certified. Sometimes records will appear on an anomaly report that are not in error but are in fact legitimate anomalies, and therefore cannot be removed from the report. These are known as Explained Anomalies.

Only the NHDOE can make the determination if an anomaly qualifies as an Explained Anomaly and can thus remain on the district’s anomaly report. If you believe you have an Explained Anomaly situation, contact the NHDOE through the Service Desk.

Any anomalies that are NOT considered Explained Anomalies must be cleared prior to certification.

EOY Students Not Found in a BOY

WHAT IS IT: Students included in the “EOY Students Not Found in a BOY” report were included in your district’s most recent end of year (EOY) submission, but are not included in your district’s BOY nor in any other district’s BOY.


WHERE ARE THE DATA FROM: The records that you see displayed in this report are the students’ EOY records from the most recent EOY submission. Since the students have not been reported in any BOYs, there are no BOY records to display.


WHY ARE THESE RECORDS CAUSING AN ANOMALY: A student’s i4see record will stay with them for the entirety of their NH public school career. This means if a student moves from one public school district to another over the summer, the student’s new public school district will report them in that district’s BOY, which will prevent students from appearing on this anomaly report. However, when a student leaves the NH public school system it is up to the student’s last NH public school district to tell i4see where that student went.



  • If you believe the student was going to transfer to another public school district, contact that district to make sure they have reported the student in their BOY. It may be that the new district hasn’t Batch Verified their BOY yet, or they may be using a different/duplicate SASID for the student. It may also be that the student did not enroll in the new public school district, in which case an enrollment status 7 record will need to be submitted for the student from the student’s previous district. This may require the student’s previous district to contact the student’s family to ascertain the student’s whereabouts.

  • If the student did not transfer to another public school and instead left the NH public school system (e.g., transferred to nonpublic school, transferred to home school, moved out of state, etc), the student’s previous district should submit an enrollment status 7 record for the student. The enrollment status 7 record should exit the student using an appropriate exit code (e.g., W5 if the student exited to home school).


October 1st Duplicates

WHAT IS IT: Students included in the “October 1st Duplicates” report were reported by two or more districts as being enrolled in those districts on October 1.


WHERE ARE THE DATA FROM: The records you see displayed come from the affected districts’ Batch Verified BOY submissions.


WHY ARE THESE RECORDS CAUSING AN ANOMALY: Students can only be enrolled in one district at a time, which makes this an anomaly. Dual enrollments (enrollment status 10) and summer withdrawals (enrollment status 7) are not included in this report.


HOW TO RESOLVE THESE ERRORS: The affected districts should talk to each other to determine where the student actually was as of October 1. Once that determination has been made, one or both districts will need to edit their Batch Verified BOY records to update the student’s entry and/or exit dates accordingly to correct the error.



ES 7 BOYs With Exit Code in W1 W2 W4 W12 With No Matching Reenroll

WHAT IS IT: Students included in the “ES 7 BOYs with Exit Code in…” report were included in your district’s BOY submission as enrollment status 7 using one of these withdrawal codes.


WHERE ARE THE DATA FROM: The records you see displayed are from your district’s Batch Verified BOY submission.


WHY ARE THESE RECORDS CAUSING AN ANOMALY: Each of these exit codes – W1, W2, W4, and W12 – are combination codes, meaning that the indicate a student’s enrollment has changed somehow, but they are still part of the NH public school system.


  • W1 indicates a student has moved within a school

  • W2 indicates a student has moved within a district

  • W4 indicates a student has moved between districts

  • W12 indicates a student’s town of responsibility has changed, but they are still enrolled in the same district


Any time these exit codes are used, they MUST be used in combination with a subsequent enrollment or re-enrollment. In the case of an enrollment status 7 record using these withdrawal codes, the associated enrollment record should have an E1 entry code and an enrollment status other than 7 or 10.



  • If the withdrawal code used was W1, W2, or W12: These withdrawal codes indicate the student is still in your district. Update your BOY to include a new, current year enrollment for the student, in addition to or in place of the enrollment status 7 record. If the student is no longer in your district, choose a more appropriate withdrawal code for the enrollment status 7 record.

  • If the withdrawal code used was W4: This withdrawal code indicates the student moved to another public school district. Contact that district to inquire if they have included the student in their BOY submission. It may be that the new district hasn’t Batch Verified their BOY yet, or they may be using a different/duplicate SASID for the student. It may also be that the student did not enroll in the new public school district, in which case a more appropriate withdrawal code will need to be assigned to the student’s enrollment status 7 record. This may require the student’s previous district to contact the student’s family to ascertain the student’s whereabouts.



Enrollment Status 7 Anomaly Report

WHAT IS IT: Students included in the “Enrollment Status 7” report were reported by your district with an enrollment status other than 7, but their entry and exit dates indicate that they should have been reported as enrollment status 7.


WHERE ARE THE DATA FROM: The records you see displayed are from your district’s Batch Verified BOY submission.


WHY ARE THESE RECORDS CAUSING AN ANOMALY: Students who are no longer your district’s reporting responsibility because they withdrew over the summer (e.g., withdrew to nonpublic school, withdrew to home school, left the country, etc) should be reported in your district’s BOY submission as enrollment status 7. Enrollment status 7 indicates a summer withdrawal. Students will appear on this anomaly report if their exit date falls on or within a day of their entry date, indicating they were not enrolled in the school for the current school year. For example, a student who was reported with an entry date of 8/27/2018 and an exit date of 8/28/2018 will appear on this anomaly report if their reported enrollment status is not enrollment status 7.


HOW TO RESOLVE THESE ERRORS: Edit your district’s Batch Verified BOY submission to change the enrollment status for the listed SASIDs to 7.

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