Home School Students: What to Do?

Home School Students: What to Do?

Does my district need to report home school students in our BOY, MOY, and EOY Enrollment submissions?




Home schooled students are not publicly funded students and do not need to be reported in i4see, even if they take part in some coursework through the public school system.


If my district chooses to report home schooled students in our BOY, MOY, and EOY Enrollment submissions, how should we do so?


Home schooled students included in your district’s BOY, MOY, or EOY Enrollment submissions must be reported as Enrollment Status 4.  Enrollment status 4 indicates the student is a home schooled student. 


Are there any times a home school student SHOULD be included in my district’s BOY, MOY, or EOY Enrollment submissions?




If a home school student will be taking part in the School Day SAT state assessment, they will need to be rostered the same as any other student.  Rostering students for the School Day SAT requires an existing BOY record that indicates the student is in the correct grade level and is eligible to take part in the School Day SAT.  Home school students who will be taking part in the School Day SAT should be reported via either the regular BOY or via Real Time Entry/Withdrawal to create a BOY record for them.  These students should be reported as Enrollment Status 4, which identifies the student as home schooled and removes their assessment results from the rostering district’s accountability calculations.


Are home school students eligible for state aid?




Home schooled students are not public school students.  They DO NOT count toward a district’s adequacy or differentiated aid, and are not eligible for charter school tuition. 


There is one exception to this rule.  Home schooled students in high school grades (9-12) should be reported in your district’s end of year Home School report.  If there is leftover adequacy aid remaining after available adequacy aid has been allocated per formula, students reported in the end of year Home School submission may generate additional adequacy aid for their reporting districts.


The end of year Home School report is uploaded to i4see at the same time as the EOY Enrollment submission, and is used to report specific courses taken by home school students in your district’s public high school.  Students should only be included in the end of year Home School report if they received full or partial credit for their public school coursework.  Home school students who failed their public school courses or who did not take credit-bearing courses should not be included in the end of year Home School submission. 


Home school students in grades PK-8 are not eligible for any additional adequacy aid.

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