Enrollment Status MUST NOT be 7
Enrollment Status MUST NOT be 7
What Does it Mean
Your district has tried to use enrollment status 7 in an MOY or EOY submission.
Enrollment status 7 is a BOY-only enrollment status. It indicates the student in question was a summer withdrawal who is no longer associated with the reporting district. Enrollment status 7 records are not reported beyond the BOY.
Students who were reported as enrollment status 7 may be reported again by the district if they return to that district during the school year, but otherwise the reporting district should no longer report enrollment status 7 students after the BOY.
If the student truly was a summer withdrawal, the record should be deleted from your MOY and/or EOY.
If the student was not a summer withdrawal and was associated with the reporting district for some portion or all of the school year, the student’s enrollment status should be changed from 7 to a more appropriate status. If the student was incorrectly reported as enrollment status 7 in the BOY, the reporting district should contact the i4see Help Desk to request the BOY be corrected.