i4see System: Assessment Roster Overview

i4see System: Assessment Roster Overview

Each year, public schools and chartered public schools are required to administer the statewide assessments to students in the required testing grades and subjects. The Assessment Roster helps schools to identify students who should participate in the statewide assessments. The Assessment Roster also allows users to annually register a student for the DLM alternate assessment and Alternate ACCESS for ELLs.

New Hampshire Statewide Assessments:

  • New Hampshire Statewide Assessment (NH SAS)

  • SAT School Day with Essay

  • Dynamic Learning Maps®(DLM®) Alternate Assessment


Please see the current Assessment Schedule for the state testing windows.

The Assessment Roster is populated by the Beginning of Year (BOY) and AOY (Anytime of Year) submissions that are uploaded to the i4see system by the school district. The AOY is an ongoing submission intended to keep an accurate roster of your students for testing purposes. The AOY can be submitted at any time (before and after the BOY) to update your roster for the state assessments. To maintain an accurate Assessment Roster, it is important for each district/school to use an AOY submission to update any student data that has changed, in advance of students testing.

Note: If a student is not included in an AOY submission but has been included in the BOY submission, the BOY student record will be used to populate the Assessment Roster.

The AOY can be submitted at any time to update your roster. This submission looks just like the Beginning of Year (BOY), but does not have the same level of verifications. The AOY may be ‘batch verified.’ It does not need to be ‘district verified’ or ‘certified.’ Note: Successfully ‘validated’ AOY submissions will populate the Assessment Roster with any updated student data. The Assessment Roster updates daily every two (2) hours starting at 9:00am. 

It is important to make any updates needed through an AOY submission(s) before students are scheduled to take the statewide assessments. For example, if there are newly enrolled students who entered your district after the BOY was submitted, these students must be included an AOY submission with the appropriate enrollment status, entry code, entry date, and any other required fields and uploaded via the i4see system.

Please see attached document for more details on the Assessment Roster.