Important Announcements

Important Announcements

Administrative Rule Ed 504.04 – Emergency Authorization was repealed by the State Board of Education as of July 12, 2024. This repeal removes the responsibility of issuing One-Year Certificates of Eligibility from the Department of Education’s Bureau of Credentialing and transfers that responsibility to the local school district.

Instructions for One-Year Certificate of Eligibility processing

All USPS and carrier deliveries (FedEx, UPS, etc) must be addressed to New Hampshire Department of Education, Bureau of Credentialing, 25 Hall Street, 3rd Floor, Concord, NH 03301. Paper Applications will be updated as soon as the Administrative Rule approval process is completed.

The Bureau of Credentialing is pleased to announce we will be publishing a quarterly newsletter. Submit suggestions for future topics through our Suggestions option in our Help Desk.

HB 594 relates to the reciprocity of licenses through the Office of Professional Licensure and Certification. This legislation has no bearing on NHED Bureau of Credentialing licensing. The requirements remain the same for NHED Educator Reciprocity for all endorsements.

As of 7/1/23 this endorsement has been repealed and is no longer available.

As of 6/2/23, Transportation Monitors are no longer required to complete a NHED Criminal History Record Check Clearance. (See Technical Advisory)

As of 5/12/23 this endorsement has been repealed and is no longer available.

As of 5/12/23 this endorsement has been repealed and is no longer available.

As of 4/14/23 this endorsement has been repealed by the NH State Board of Education and is no longer available.

Now required for:

  • School Bus Drivers (Transportation Monitors no longer required as of 6/2/23)

  • Professional Educator Preparation Program (PEPP) Candidates

  • First-Time Applicants

Criminal History Record Check Clearance Instructions

Attorney General John M. Formella, Department of Education Commissioner Frank Edelblut, and Commission for Human Rights Executive Director Ahni Malachi announce the release of guidance related to Sections 297 and 298 of House Bill 2.

The guidance for public schools is available at: https://www.doj.nh.gov/civil-rights/documents/faq-educational-programs.pdf

Due to construction,  as of August 16th, 2021 the New Hampshire Department of Education’s Division of Educator Support and Higher Education Bureau of Credentialing office will be relocated to 25 Hall Street, Concord, NH  03301.  All operations will continue as usual. Our USPS mailing address remains 101 Pleasant Street, Concord, NH 03301.  Carrier deliveries (FedEx, UPS, etc) must be addressed to 25 Hall Street, 3rd Floor, Concord, NH 03301. You can continue to upload your documentation via your myNHDOE account.  Thank you for your patience.

Until the text at the Ed 500 Rule link has been updated, please reference the new rules here:


Ed 501 to Ed 504 - Credential Standards for Educational Personnel

  • Adopted by the State Board on September 10, 2020

  • Rules effective October 5, 2020 through October 7, 2030

Ed 505 - How to Obtain a New Hampshire Educator License

  • Adopted by the State Board on September 10, 2020

  • Rules effective October 5, 2020 through October 7, 2030

Ed 506 and Ed 508 (various) - Standards for Specific Educator Credentials

  • Adopted by the State Board on September 10, 2020

  • Rules effective October 5, 2020 through October 7, 2030

Ed 509, Ed 512, and Ed 513 - Renewal and Denial of Credentials

  • Adopted by the State Board on September 10, 2020

  • Rules effective October 5, 2020 through October 7, 2030

Ed 507.40 and Ed 507.41 - Special Education Teacher and Early Childhood Special Education Teacher

  • Adopted by the State Board on September 10, 2020

  • Rules effective September 11, 2020 through September 11, 2030

For additional details: Information Regarding Revised Credentialing Rules

Curriculum planning for remote teaching is considered professional development for renewal purposes.

Be sure to keep track of how much time you spend on curriculum development and for which endorsements you are innovating your lessons for.

Be sure to check with your district regarding the following:

·        This is allowed under the district's Master Plan

·        How you will keep track of the time spent

·        Process of approval for the curriculum planning.

  • Emergency Authorization available for all educator endorsements (except IDEA restricted) effective 7/31/23

  • Emergency Authorization 2nd year application effective 6/2/23

  • Emergency Authorization for CTE Specialty Area Endorsements Legislative Update

    • SB 20

      • This bill was signed into law by the Governor on 5/6/2021. The law takes effect 7/5/2021.

      • This law exempts individuals applying to teach a course in a CTE specialty area from the Bachelor’s degree requirement for an Emergency Authorization.

      • Emergency Authorization requests may be submitted for CTE speciality area candidates that do not hold a Bachelor’s degree prior to 7/5/2021, applications and fees will be entered into the Educator Information System upon receipt, however the Emergency Authorization itself will not be issued until on or after 7/5/2021.

      Emergency Authorization repealed as of 7/12/2024. See One-Year Certificate of Eligibility.

  • Find out what new enhancements are coming to EIS! EIS: Status Updates

  • New Hampshire Educators Offered Free Training

    “This is an excellent opportunity for educators and districts to add another tool to their toolbox while also satisfying a portion of their professional development licensure requirements at no additional cost,” said Division Director, Steve Appleby. “This opportunity is open to over 27,000 licensed New Hampshire educators and will run through the end of 2022.”

  • Due to an issue with our administrative rules, we are temporarily unable to accept applications. We expect to have the issue resolved on or about February 17th. If you have an employment offer pending the processing of an application, please ask the district to contact the Bureau of Credentialing so that we may assist. If you do not have an employment offer pending processing we expect to have your application processed (as either incomplete, issued or denied) after February 17th. We apologize for the inconvenience this may cause you and appreciate your patience. Please note that this hold affects new applicants, renewals, beginning of plan submissions, end of plan submissions, and criminal history record checks. AMENDED 2/17/2023: The Applications page will be available as of the morning of Tuesday, February 21st.

  • EIS Technical Issues: Payment Processing
    Due to a significant increase in internet traffic across the country we have been experiencing problems with network communication between EIS and our payment processor. We are aware of issues with the billing process, are working to resolve the issue, and refunds will be issued as promptly as possible. Please use our Payment Troubleshooting information.

  • Test Center Closures due to Covid-19 and employment options (update as of 5/6/2020)
    Please be advised the BoC cannot waive a test requirement nor can we issue a credential that requires a passing score on a test without documentation of such a score.

    One of the consequences of the current Covid-19 situation in the U.S. is the temporary closure of both ETS Praxis and Pearson Foundations of Reading test centers. The Bureau of Credentialing (BoC) is aware of, and sympathetic to, the difficulty this creates for those in-state graduates and out of state applicants who have not yet taken and/or passed tests required for licensure.

    Praxis at Home Testing/ Remote Praxis Testing

    ETS will be releasing information around May 11, 2020 explaining their new testing option to enable testing candidates to take tests remotely instead of in a testing center. Below are answers to the most common questions. More information will be available from the ETS website around May 11, 2020. View the ETS presentation from 5/6/2020.

    When will testing be available? Where? Proctoring?
    Test registration will open on May 15, 2020. Test delivery will start on May 18, 2020. Testing will only be open to candidates based in the US or its territories. Tests will be proctored remotely by live proctors as well as AI. ETS has used this system for 10+ years for other testing products it offers.

    Which tests are available?
    ETS is making their 30 most popular tests available to start including Praxis Core exams, Elementary Education exams, Many SPED exams, ESOL and several others. The full list will be posted on the ETS website. ETS anticipates adding another 10+ exams to the list in early June.

    How do I register?
    Exam candidates will register on the ETS website. The process is virtually identical and will include information on minimum equipment requirements and space/ environmental requirements.

    What are the minimum computer specifications to test remotely? Other requirements?
    Upon registration, ETS will work with the candidate to verify that their equipment and environment meet the criteria. The tests are only available at this time on Windows based computers and laptops. Other platforms and devices are not eligible including Macs (unless running Windows), tablets and phones. Additionally, the candidate will be required to show the proctor their testing space with a webcam prior to starting the test. Most other requirements are similar to what a candidate would encounter at a testing center. ETS will post a full list on its website.

    Can I take the exam anywhere?
    No. The exam must be taken in a private space. This can be a room at home or an office. If another person enters during the session, the exam will end immediately. The candidate will not be allowed to take notes on paper but can use an erasable white board.

    What accommodations will be made for testing candidates with disabilities?
    Accommodations are available. Candidates should contact ETS Disability Services directly for assistance.

    What about Foundations of Reading and other non-ETS exams?
    You may check the testing company’s website directly for updated information.

    Is there a change to the In Process of Licensure Authorization (IPLA) process in place now?
    There is no change at this time. Please contact the Bureau of Credentialing with further questions.

    In order to facilitate the employment of in-state graduate and out of state applicants who have not yet passed a required tests, the potential employer has an option known as In Process of Licensure Authorization (IPLA).

    In-state graduates: We are aware that some NH IHEs consider passing the content knowledge test(s) to be a condition for program completion and submission of institutional recommendation while other IHEs do not. Please be advised the NH PEPP program approval process does not mandate the former. Institutional recommendation is necessary in order for the candidate to be able to submit an application for licensure. An IHE’s choice to withhold a licensure recommendation until the candidate passes the required content knowledge test means that some of their program completers will not be eligible for the issuance of an IPLA unless the institution changes its practice and therefore may not be employable.

    Those who may not yet meet licensure requirements (in-state graduates without a recommendation due to testing, Statement of Eligibility applicants and portfolio/oral board candidates who are unable to complete testing) may be employable under an Emergency Authorization (EA) if the candidate holds at least a conferred Bachelor’s degree. Emergency Authorization repealed as of 7/12/2024. See One-Year Certificate of Eligibility.

  • Executive Order #18: Fingerprints (update as of 7/29/2020) : Fingerprinting Guidance

    Starting 7/27/2020, the NH State Police (SP) will begin fingerprinting on a volunteer basis in certain SP locations. Executive Order #18 still remains in effect and the requirement for fingerprinting is still differed.

    However, individuals may opt to set up an appointment on a volunteer basis at one of the select printing locations if they so choose, by calling 603-223-3867. Fingerprinting will be done by appointment only. Customers are required to wear a mask and will be subjected to the pre-screening questions as well as a temperature check. (NH no longer in State of Emergency)

  • Executive Order #64 re: Emergency Authorizations: Please see the following link for information about the suspension of the one-time per person limitation on Emergency Authorizations. (NH no longer in State of Emergency) Emergency Authorization repealed as of 7/12/2024. See One-Year Certificate of Eligibility.

  • October 5, 2020 Applications Have Been Temporarily Suspended

    Recent changes to the administrative rules governing the pathways to a New Hampshire educator credential including corresponding fees have necessitated a revision to the Educator Information System (EIS), New Hampshire’s online educator licensing system. The Department of Education is taking this opportunity to make additional modifications to EIS which are intended to provide an improved applicant interface and the ability to better track the application process.

    For this reason we have had to temporarily suspend the online application process. It is expected that this temporary interruption in applications should last no longer than two weeks. While we apologize for any inconvenience this may cause the field we sincerely believe it will be outweighed by improved application processing time and customer service. While changes are being deployed in the Educator Information System, if employment is imminent please use our Paper Applications to apply. Note that paper applications take longer to get to us and to be processed.

    For additional details: Information Regarding Revised Credentialing Rules

  • 4/14/20 Due to the effects of Covid-19 on legislative approvals and the administrative rules process, the State Board of Education was forced to extend all current rules and fees regarding initial and renewal of educator licenses.

    Therefore there will not be a fee reduction in this fiscal year as was originally projected. The reduction is now projected to take effect this fall.

    There is no longer a reason to delay renewing your license. Please renew your license as soon as is practical remembering that the deadline is June 30, 2020 for those credentials expiring this year.

  • 1/6/2020: The NH State Board of Education may adopt a new fee schedule in the spring of 2020.  Please be advised that the fee for educator license renewal is tentatively expected to decrease to $120 after rule adoption from the current fee of $130.  The fee for paraeducator license renewal is tentatively expected to decrease to $10 after rule adoption from the current fee of $25.  While renewal applications may be submitted after January 1st, 2020, note that any applications submitted prior to the rule adoption will not be issued refunds.

     After rule adoption additional communication will be emailed from our office to notify potential renewal applicants.

     For educators and paraeducators employed under a NH Professional Development Master Plan:  The Superintendent/Head of School may submit recommendations for license renewal after January 1st, 2020.  The date the Superintendent/Head of School submits the renewal through EIS (Educator Information System) has no bearing on the fee an applicant is charged.  The fee is determined upon date of application.

  • The Bureau of Credentialing is continuing to implement enhancements to the Educator Information System (EIS) to decrease processing time and increase convenient service for those in field. Currently we are transitioning to electronic licenses and Intern Authorizations (IA). As of 5/31/19 licenses and IA’s will no longer be printed on paper. Issued licenses and IA’s can be validated in the Educator Search

  • As of 6/19/2019, Credentialing no longer mails letters regarding application processing. A status of "Awaiting Applicant Response" in myNHDOE/EIS/Educator/View Your Credentials after this date means that your application has been reviewed and requirements still need to be met. An email will be sent and uploaded to your EIS/Educator/View Your Credentials/Emails. Letters from 3/1/19 to 6/18/19 are available in EIS/Educator/View Your Credentials/Documents. Letters prior to 3/1/19 were mailed via USPS and are not available for viewing in your account.

  • As of 11/15/2018, Credentialing will no longer accept the following documents via mail or email: Experience Letters, GED/HiSET, Industry Credentials, National Licenses, Official Transcripts, Out of State Educator Credentials, Professional Licenses, Program Verifications, Reference Letters, Renewal Audit documents, Résumés, and Test Score Reports. Please log into myNHDOE to upload these documents directly into your Educator Information System account.
    Document Upload Instructions



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