myNHDOE: Create or Access your account

myNHDOE: Create or Access your account

Visit myNHDOE

myNHDOE is the portal through which you can access many Department of Education applications, including the Educator Information System (EIS).

It is possible that you may have:

  • a myNHDOE account already established but not have an EIS account

  • an EIS account already established but not have a myNHDOE account to access your information

  • both a myNHDOE account and EIS account already established

  • neither a myNHDOE account nor an EIS account already established

If you have ever submitted a test evaluation form, applied for any credential, had test scores submitted from ETS or Pearson to our office, or received a recommendation for licensure from a NH approved educator preparation program, you likely already have an EIS account established. This account may or may not have sufficient profile information to associate with your myNHDOE account during the set-up process.

If you have had any name changes since you completed testing, enrolled in your program, or previously applied for a credential with our office, you must submit a name change form and receive confirmation that the name change is complete via email prior to beginning this process. The system will not be able to correctly match two different names. Do not create your myNHDOE account with a nickname for a first name. Your account must be created with your formal first name.


If you already have a myNHDOE account, use your username/password to log in and skip to Step 5 below.

  • If you do not remember your login credentials, please use the Forgot Username/Password wizard and provide the most recent email you used in your account. If you do not receive an email for a password reset after approximately 15 minutes, this means either you do not yet have a myNHDOE account established already or the email you are using is not the email in your myNHDOE account.

  • If you no longer have access to the email you used to set up your myNHDOE or EIS accounts, or you don’t remember which email you used:

  • If you receive the reset password email, but have forgotten the answer to your Security Question:

If you have not yet established a myNHDOE account, click on the New User? Create an Account link and follow the directions below.

  • Do not create a new myNHDOE account if you have already created one.

  • If you already have an EIS account, the system will try to associate your myNHDOE and EIS accounts together.

  • If you receive any errors while attempting to create your myNHDOE account, make note of the error message, cancel the set-up wizard and submit a myNHDOE Help Desk request.

Step 1:

Troubleshooting at Step 1:

Error: Your SSN is already in use.

This may mean you already have an EIS account that is using a nickname or a different last name. Your account will need to be updated before you can proceed. Please make note of the error message, cancel the wizard, and submit a Help Desk request.

Error: You entered an email address that is already associated with another account or a user with the same name and date of birth exists in myNHDOE but the email does not match our records.

You may be using an email already used by another family member with an EIS account or your EIS account has a different name or incorrect date of birth listed. Your EIS account may contain different emails than the emails you are using to create a myNHDOE account or your EIS account may contain no emails at all. Please make note of the error message, cancel the wizard, and submit a Help Desk request.

Step 2:

A recent streamlining of our process has eliminated Step 2 for new account submitters The wizard may continue straight to Step 3 of 4.

If the system matches your information to an existing EIS account, Step 2 will appear and you will be asked to connect with your Ed ID or SSN. If you do not know your Ed ID and you did not provide your SSN on your initial paper application submitted to us, you will need to submit a Help Desk request for assistance.

If you receive the error below, use the Previous button to try a different email that you may have used to set up your EIS account. If you no longer have access to this email, you can still use it to set up your account and you will be able to update the email in your profile once finish setting up your account. If you are unable to determine the email you used to set up your EIS account, you will need to submit a Help Desk request for assistance.


Step 3:

Your next task is to create a Username. The system will suggest a Username but you can create one of your own if you choose. Please be advised that those with permissions to access the EIS system for work-related reasons will be able to see your username. Be sure to follow the directions regarding restrictions for Username and Password length and characters.

Step 4:

Troubleshooting at Step 4:

If you submit and then receive an error message, try using a new browser window https://my.doe.nh.gov and log in with the username and password you just created. If this is unsuccessful, please submit a Help Desk request.

Step 5 - Once you gain access to your myNHDOE account:

If you are able to log in and you do not see the EIS/Educator role and instead see “New Applicant”, this means your EIS account has not been associated with your myNHDOE account or you do not yet have an EIS account. If you know your Ed ID, please click the red text link to associate your accounts by adding in your NH Educator Number to your profile. If you do not know your Ed ID but know you have one, or you receive any error message make note of the error message, and please submit a Help Desk request.

If you do not yet have an EIS account, please follow the steps below for New Applicant:

Profile Steps 1-4:

Enter your profile information as appropriate in Steps 1-3 of the wizard and Submit.

If you receive any error message, make note of the error message and please submit a Help Desk request.

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