How to resolve Cross-District Errors
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The most significant issues most districts have encountered while working on their Enrollment submission have to do with cross-district errors. Cross-district errors represent overlapping student enrollments across two or more districts.
Students cannot be enrolled in more than one school at a time, except for students enrolled part-time in VLACS who remain enrolled full-time elsewhere.
Overlapping enrollments impact average daily membership (ADM), which in turn affects everything from accountability to adequacy aid.
In i4see, cross-district errors were managed through anomaly reports. These were never an ideal solution, as they allowed wiggle room for bad data to get through certification. This in turn would lead to significant cleanup after the certification deadline, which was disruptive and time consuming. In iNHDEX, cross-district errors have been turned into a hard stop, meaning districts with overlapping enrollments cannot complete the Enrollment submission until those enrollments have been resolved.
Cross-district errors compare newly uploaded data to each student’s most recent Enrollment data. Where enrollment data ONLY comes from Enrollment submissions (previously the BOY and EOY in i4see).
NOTE: Updates to a student’s entry or exit dates made via an AOY in i4see, or a Student Roster in iNHDEX, are not considered Enrollment data.
The easiest way to resolve cross-district errors is to work on the Enrollment report in stages:
UPLOAD/GENERATE and then SUBMIT an Enrollment file that ONLY includes students your district reported as enrolled in a PREVIOUS Enrollment submission (including the i4see BOY). This submission should include any exit information for students who have transferred out of your district. DO NOT include any students who have transferred INTO your district since the previous Enrollment reporting window.
This will update each student’s most current Enrollment data in iNHDEX
Change your Enrollment submission back to IN PROGRESS
Now, UPLOAD/GENERATE an Enrollment file that includes all the students your district just submitted, BUT ALSO includes any students who have transferred INTO your district since the last Enrollment reporting window.
Your district may or may not be able to submit this updated Enrollment file, depending on if other districts have followed Step 1
The act of submitting the Enrollment file to NHED (changing the status from “In Progress” to “Submit to NHED”/”Review”) is what triggers iNHDEX to update a student’s Enrollment data. Once the initial Enrollment file has been submitted, thus updating iNHDEX’s Enrollment database with relevant exit dates, other districts that were getting cross-district errors due to missing exit dates will find it easier to resolve their cross-district errors.
To summarize, the process would go like this:
Submit all previously reported students, including exit dates and exit codes
Submit FULL Enrollment file, including previously reported students AND students who have transferred in since the last reporting window
By doing this, districts will see their cross-district errors trending downward as data logjams are cleared.
We will be answering questions about cross-district errors, as well as reviewing the Cross-District Conflicts dashboard, at a Zoom training this Friday, 3/21. Registration is REQUIRED for those who plan to attend. The training will be recorded and posted to our iNHDEX Training Resources page, as well as added to the iNHDEX Academy calendar in Canvas.
Please find the training details and registration link below:
TITLE: Cross-District Errors Demo and Training
DATE: 3/14/2025
TIME: 11am - Noon
Register in advance for this webinar:
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New Hampshire Department of Education 2022