Employer Yearly Credentialing Calendar

Employer Yearly Credentialing Calendar

Many credentialing activities during the year are dependent on accurate Submission Course data. Errors in data entry in the local data system are carried over to the Educator Information System (EIS) and may cause technical difficulties for fellow co-workers with renewal recommendations, Site-Based Plan uploads, and licensure checks. Please submit any questions through our Help Desk and include the staff member's name, assignment(s) including grade level, along with Ed ID if known.

Note: Not all activities below will apply to all types of employers (public/charter/non-public) based on DOE reporting requirements, licensure requirements and use of Site-Based Licensing Plans and Professional Development Master Plans.




Helpful Info/Links




  • Please review job postings (especially those online) to ensure any mention of HQT has been removed.

  • To avoid confusion for applicants, it would be helpful if the job posting specifically listed the license endorsement required for the position (if any).

  • Job postings should not require applicants provide a “letter of eligibility” as our office is not authorized to provide such a document. Statements of Eligibility are only required for applicants needing a Site-Based Licensing Plan.


July - October

Data Submission
for new year

Cross-check licensure/assignments in EIS
after data submission is complete

60 days from date of hire or start of school year

Site-Based Licensing Plans
Beginning of Plan uploads
(please note any plans that must be uploaded before Submission Course is submitted/verified must have a manually entered assignment in EIS that matches the endorsement on the SOE)



Cross-check licensure/assignments in EIS
after data submission is complete

1/1 - 6/30

Recommended Renewal Submission in EIS
(educators, school nurses, educational interpreter/transliterators and paraeducators can apply after recommendation is submitted by employer anytime after 1/1 in the year the license expires)


Professional Development Master Plan Due
(for plans expiring 6/30 of the current year)


Site-Based Licensing Plans
End of Plan uploads


Exiting Staff

  • have staff replace any work emails in myNHDOE with a personal email to avoid losing access to account

  • have staff print any professional development from the local PD system to assist in submitting a DOE Renewal in the future if mid-cycle

  • remove exiting staff from local data and enter end date in EIS

As Necessary

SAU split/creation of a new SAU

Current SAU:

  • prior to 7/1 enter end dates in EIS of 6/30 for all staff leaving the current SAU (before completing this please ensure all staff due for renewal recommendation have already been recommended through EIS by the Superintendent or Superintendent Designee role).

  • ensure local data has also been updated for next Submission Course upload

  • advise all leaving staff to ensure they update their profiles in myNHDOE/EIS to include a personal email/phone and to update work email/phone as soon as possible to maintain login access

  • provide all leaving staff with written verification of professional development completed pertaining to any upcoming renewal cycle while at current SAU

  • submit a Help Desk request for any assistance or training needed for new administrative staff regarding Credentialing

  • this Knowledge Base also contains some training material for new staff


New SAU:



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