CATE Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
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An AV-1 form doesn’t seem right, what do I do?
Before reaching out to NHED, it’s important to know the following:
A student will only show on an AV-1 form if the following are met:
If marked as enrolled in a program for greater than 33% of the school days or marked as dropped from a program and any amount of enrolled days.
Marked as a Tuitioned student (from the BOY/MOY/EOY file).
The Tuition Charge (column D):
…is dependant on the student’s entry and exit dates of a program (from the MOY/EOY file). If the student’s enrolled for less than 33% of the school days, the tuition charge will reflect 33% of the tuition. If the student’s enrolled between 34% and 66% of the school days, the tuition charge will reflect 66% of the tuition. If the student’s enrolled greater than 67% of the school days, the tuition charge will reflect a full tuition charge.
…is dependent on the amount of courses a student is enrolled in. If a student is not enrolled in a course (they’re missing from the Student Course file), the student will not show on an AV-1 form. If a student is enrolled in more than one course in a semester within the same program, you may see the tuition charge increased (dependent on enrollment amount described in the bullet above).
The Transportation Charge (column J) is dependant on how many days a student is in attendance for a program (from the MOY/EOY files).
If all above points have been investigated and an AV-1 form still looks incorrect, please reach out to NHED for further assistance.
What if we have 12th grade students who aren’t required to attend the entire year but they complete their program? (They leave 5 days prior to the end of year)
Our recommended approach would be to show an accurate exit date from the Program and Course and accurate days in attendance and to use an exit code of W32: Student has completed the CTE program. This will ensure these students are indicated as completing their programs for our reporting purposes.
Do we need to report on enrollments between Enriched and Honors level classes?
No, NHED and the federal government are not interested in differentiating levels of class enrollment. For example: your CTE offers an Enriched and Honors level Architecture classes within the Drafting and Design Program. NHED does not require your CATE reporting to reflect enrollment at these two different levels. Enrollment reporting of these students would suffice by only indicating the enrollment for the Drafting and Design Program in the BOY/MOY/EOY file and enrollment in one Architecture class within the Student Course file.
How do I remove a student from a program if the “Delete” option is grayed out?
Unfortunately, this is not a capability at the School level. Please email, call, or open a ticket with NHED staff including the student’s name or SASID to request a Primary Program be removed from the student.
How do I update a student’s grade level mid-year?
Unfortunately, the grade level field is not a field we can manually edit within the CATE website. In order to update a student’s grade level, please upload a new MOY file (with just a record for the 1 student) with the updated grade level. When this file is processed, it will update the students record with the new grade level.
What if a student’s sending school changes mid-semester?
To change a student’s sending school, log into the CATE side > click the Students tab > locate the student > click the SASID link for the student > click Edit > there you can update the sending school from the list of high schools in NH. Please be aware this will update the student’s sending school for the entire year - we are unable to show a student being sent from one school in semester 1 and another school in semester 2. If you require an AV-1 form for each semester showing different schools, we advise to follow one of the following:
Keep the student as being sent from one school for the entire year. For the Semester 2 AV-1, mark up the AV-1 to exclude this student or create a manual AV-1 form to exclude this student.
When uploading the MOY, reflect this student as being sent from Sending School #1 then generate the Semester 1 AV-1 form showing this student as being from Sending School #1. You may then change the students sending school from Sending School #1 to Sending School #2 for Semester 2, either after the Semester 1 AV-1 form has been processed or just at the end of the year through the EOY submission.
What if a student’s transport type changes mid-semester?
If the actual rate amount doesn’t change (such as shifting from bus transport to self transport by choice) no changes necessary until the next semester. If bussing changes where it becomes available or no longer become available and students are required to self transport, a manual AV-1 form would be needed to account for the difference in rates. Unfortunately, CATE does not have a feature to track different transport types or rates throughout a single semester, this can only be changed semester by semester.
How should I code a student that is enrolled in two different programs or two courses so the AV-1 form is generated correctly?
The AV-1 Tuition charges are generated by Program (CIP). If you have a student in two courses within a program at a time, you will see the Tuition charge doubled.
The Transportation Charge is also generated by the Program level attendance within the MOY/EOY files. Therefore, you’ll see two transportation charges for a student if they’re concurrently enrolled in two separate programs.
You should enter students attendance as unaltered in the MOY/EOY and Student Course files.
What is Tuition Differential and is it needed?
Tuition Differential has to do with increased cost of running certain programs. If this is unknown, we recommend you contact your center Director to determine if your center has a Tuition Differential. If your center does not have a Tuition Differential you may enter a zero in this field.
What do I do if a student has dropped a program/class?
You can do one the following:
Wait until the next reporting deadline (MOY or EOY) where you will be submitting your file(s) to update all the students Enrollment Status and Days In Attendance values.
You can update any students information at any time by going to:
CATE > Students Tab > find student with full name and SASID > click SASID > Student Courses > Edit > update Exit Date, Exit Code, and # of Meetings In Attendance
Our only caution is to ensure your SIS matches what’s in CATE. Otherwise, if you make a change in CATE and not update your SIS, when you export your SIS and upload to CATE then it may negate any updates you’ve made in CATE.
How long are we required to retain our student information data?
Should I report students living out of state or attending High School out of state?
CATE reporting of students who attend a New Hampshire High School is required, whether they live in New Hampshire or not. CATE reporting for students who attend school outside New Hampshire isn’t required, but you may do so if you’d like to generate AV1 reports.
What if I’m offering two classes of the same course?
If I missed a student in my BOY/Student Course files that were already uploaded and processed, can I upload the student information in a separate submission?
Yes, you can upload/process as many different files to have all your programs, courses, and students submitted. When uploading a new student, you do not need to include previously uploaded student information - the new file only needs to reflect the new student/information you’re trying to upload.
What is Work Based Learning (WBL)?
Work Based Learning (WBL) qualifies if the student is in a sustained interaction with industry professionals who are actively working in such industry. Programs that almost always meet this requirement include cosmetology and automotive as the instructors are licensed. If you have specific questions on WBL, please contact Jeffy Beard, Deputy State Director for Career and Technical Education at (603) 271-3729 or
I receive the following error message “Student Course Entry Date cannot be before program entry date.” but everything looks correct in the files uploaded.
This is commonly due to two records for a student in your BOY/MOY/EOY with different entry dates. If a student is taking multiple courses in a single program, you should only have ONE enrollment record for that student in the BOY/MOY/EOY. You can upload a new BOY/MOY/EOY reflecting the correct entry date for specific students and it will overwrite the previously submitted program entry date for the student(s).
I receive the following error message: “The combination of Local Class Code, Program ID, Term ID, and School Year must match the submission CATE Course database”.
If you are certain there aren’t any typos in the Local Class Code, Program ID, Term ID, and School year fields - please process your CATE Course.
Does NHED require a budget AV-1 form submitted?
No, NHED no longer requires this.
How do I add/remove programs?
Unfortunately, schools cannot make updates to their offered courses. Please email NHED or submit a helpdesk ticket to request changes.
If you're attempting to submit a course that isn't listed in the Program Competencies (click here), please contact NHED. If the course isn't a CTE course you may not need to include the course in your CATE submissions.
What do I use as the Teacher ED ID for a new teacher?
If you don’t have a teacher’s ED ID by the time you submit the course report, you can use that teacher’s myNHDOE account number. The Teacher Education ID field will accept either number. The myNHDOE account number will be in the format: SSO_XXXXXX. The teacher can find both their ED ID and myNHDOE account number under the My Profile tab.
How do I update when my school year begins/ends?
Log into myNHDOE > Career and Technical Education > CATE > Admin > School Year Data.
All fields are required, with the exception of Tuition Differential which you may enter zero for.
Do I need to report information on both semesters in the BOY reports?
Information on both semesters is not required at the BOY. The BOY requires course and student info for semester 1, the MOY requires course and student info for semester 2 and attendance from semester 1, EOY requires all aforementioned information.
Do Vermont CTE's need to include Educator IDs in the CATE Course submission?
No, the Educator ID field is only for educators within New Hampshire.
Do I duplicate CIP Codes/Program IDs?
Yes, although CIP codes have been consolidated you would still duplicate CIP code/Program IDs if a student is enrolled in multiple classes within CIP Codes/Program IDs.
What is my tuition rate and how is it determined?
Tuition rates are based off the prior year cost per pupil. You can find Cost Per Pupil by clicking here. Tuition rates are a Percentage of Cost Per Pupil which is determined by the CTE center and indicated to the NH Department of Education.
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