IHE Program Completion Recommendation Process

IHE Program Completion Recommendation Process



An IHE Program Completion Recommendation is the attestation/certification by a PEPP that a student has completed the licensure requirements for a particular endorsement as determined by the NH State Board of Education approved program and the Ed 600 rules:

Ed 606.03 Verification of a Candidate’s Completion of a PEPP.

(a) The system for verification by the certification officer or a designee of each candidate’s successful completion of a PEPP shall include a body of evidence that includes the successful:

(1) Demonstration on a nationally approved test of proficiency in reading, writing, and mathematical skills; (prior to admittance into PEPP)
(2) Completion of the appropriate degree required by the certification standard(s);
(3) Completion of a culminating field experience, involving both the field experience supervisor(s) and the cooperating practitioner(s) in the evaluation of each candidate’ satisfactory demonstration of Ed 610;
(4) Documentation of each candidate’s acquisition of the knowledge, skills, and dispositions articulated in Ed 609, Ed 610, Ed 611, and Ed 612 content area or Ed 614 specialist or administrator area for which the program is designed; and
(5) Process in place to demonstrate each candidate has passed a criminal records check based on statute. (upon enrollment in PEPP)

This does not require students have completed content testing or experience requirements, as this testing is required by the Ed 500 licensure rules and is evaluated during the licensure application process.

  • Students that have had a program completion recommendation submitted by an IHE and have submitted an application/payment and any additional supporting documentation required are eligible for NH public school employment in the role of their program endorsement for one year under an In Process of Licensure Authorization (IPLA) while completing testing.

  • Students that have not completed a program, but have a conferred Bachelor’s degree, may be eligible for NH public school employment (depending on the position) with a One-Year Certificate of Eligibility.

  • Students that have not completed a program and do not have a conferred Bachelor’s degree are not eligible for NH public school employment, even with a letter of “projected completion” provided to an employer from an institution.

Please be sure to advise students of the following:

  • a recommendation from your program will only be valid for three years (testing and experience requirements must be met and an application/fee submitted within that time frame) otherwise the candidate will need to apply via another eligible pathway for licensure once the recommendation expires.

  • application deadlines: Application Processing Information

  • applicants must upload an official transcript with registrar’s signature (with degree conferred/program verification included on the transcript). Students should be cautioned not to request their transcripts too early, as often they request from the registrar and then submit to us transcripts “in progress” with no degree conferred (if applicable) or program verification statement and then have to obtain another one.

  • applicants must submit test score reports if applicable to the endorsement and if the scores are not already in their myNHDOE/EIS account electronically via ETS/Pearson import or Test Evaluation/previous upload.

  • for some endorsements, additional requirements of reference letters and experience verification letters apply.

  • directions to log into myNHDOE or create an account, apply, pay fee and upload documents: NH Approved Educator Preparation Program Recommendation

Each institution determines which staff will be assigned the PEPP Certification Officer role in myNHDOE/EIS. Please submit a Help Desk “I want Technical Assistance/IHE Request” to obtain the most current authorization form for completion/submission.

The Educator Information System (EIS) offers a functionality to enter in degree and program information ahead of the completed recommendation. This functionality does unfortunately allow recommendations to inadvertently be submitted without degree information. If your institution is interested in using this functionality, please submit a Help Desk “I want Technical Assistance/IHE Request” to schedule training for the appropriate use of pre-recommendations before utilizing this feature.

myNHDOE is the portal that allows access to the Educator Information System (EIS) where credentialing information is kept, including IHE Program Recommendations in a student's account.

  • Some students may already have a myNHDOE and EIS account from former interactions with the NHDOE Bureau of Credentialing (Paraeducators, previously licensed educators, Site-Based Licensing Plan participants, test evaluation submitters).

  • Some students may already have an EIS account from test score submission or paper application submission, but not have a myNHDOE account.

  • Some students may already have a myNHDOE account from non-credentialed employment in a school where they needed access to other NHDOE systems (Food and Nutrition, Grants, etc) but do not have an EIS account.

  • Some students may not have either a myNHDOE or EIS account.

It is helpful for students to become as familiar with myNHDOE and EIS as soon as possible in the process. After completion of a program, typically employment is the top priority. Already having a myNHDOE/EIS account easily accessible makes the process much smoother for employers and program completers. Some institutions incorporate this information into introductory courses or cohort informational sessions. Resource: myNHDOE Create or Access your account The Bureau of Credentialing can also assist by providing a virtual training session for cohorts of students when requested by an institution through the Help Desk “I want Technical Assistance/IHE Request”.



Step-by-Step Instructions for submission of an IHE Program Completion Recommendation.

Step-by-Step Instructions for submission of an IHE Program Completion Recommendation.

Gather the student information needed to submit the recommendation

  • Name: Potential name issues - maiden/married names and other legal name changes, first name nicknames (including middle name as first name) vs. formal names, hyphenated names, suffixes (i.e. Jr.)

  • Ed ID (the student should be able to provide this to you if an EIS account exists - if unsure the student can submit a Help Desk request for assistance in obtaining the Ed ID)

  • Date of Birth

  • Social Security Number: Potential SSN issues - the Administrative Rules do not require applicants to provide us with a SSN number. If no SSN is provided to us at the time of a paper application, the EIS system will assign a random number to stand in the place of the SSN number in a student’s file. The student should be able to report to you if they opted not to provide us with a SSN in the past.

  • Degree type, major and degree conferral date or select Licensure Only Program

  • Recommendation date (date licensure program completed or today’s date)

  • Program endorsements

Not required although EIS displays a red star indicating it is required:

  • Gender

  • Ethnicity

  • Years of Experience

Log into myNHDOE/EIS/PEPP Certification Officer role


If you have forgotten your username/password, please use the link on the myNHDOE login screen to reset your password with the email you used to set up your account.

Manage Student Recommendations

Using the Search Screen

*There is a known EIS system glitch with Search results from this screen. We suggest that you refrain from using this screen to search for students at this time.

Locating the student EIS account vs. creating a new ED ID

EIS has been enhanced to improve the efficiency of locating existing EIS accounts. Please be sure to use all three options as needed to attempt to locate an existing Ed ID before creating a new Ed ID for a student. This will prevent duplicate EIS accounts that will need to be merged by tech support causing delay before a student can apply.

Option 1 - Electronic Test Evaluations (available since early 2020): Be sure to note how many records are available and display all of the records to allow scrolling through the whole list instead of changing pages.

Option 2 - ED ID/DOB: Students that have had test scores submitted to us electronically for ETS/Pearson, submitted paper test evaluation requests, or submitted any other paper or electronic application for a credential will have an Ed ID already. Use of this feature will allow you to find a student’s EIS account even if they had a different name at the time or were given an assigned SSN if one was not provided to us.

Option 3 - SSN/Last Name: Be on the lookout for changes in names or potential prior paper applications that may have been submitted without the student providing us with a SSN.

Option 4 - After confirming with the student that there are no name/SSN issues, please create an Ed ID for the student.

Submitting the recommendation

Step 2 of 6: confirm/enter SSN, First/Last Name (middle initial optional), and Birth Date

Not required although EIS displays a red star indicating it is required:

  • Gender

  • Ethnicity

  • Years of Experience

Step 3 of 6: enter degree/licensure only program information (do not use Non-degree certificate program and ignore the option to skip this step)

*Step 4-6: There is a known EIS system glitch that will cause a recommendation to be placed in the incorrect student file if more than one recommendation is submitted in a row without logging out and logging back in. Starting at Step 4, if you notice the bolded name after “You are adding credentials for xxx” is not the name of the student you are intending to recommend, cancel out of the wizard immediately, use the “Logout of EIS” link on the left hand blue column and log back into your account to begin the new student’s recommendation wizard.

Step 4 of 6: enter program recommendation information (date licensure program completed or today’s date)

Step 5 of 6: confirm the correct recommendation endorsements

Step 6 of 6: select Complete and Submit.

Not Complete is only for pre-recommendations and you must ensure that degree information was already entered. If your institution is interested in using this functionality, please submit a Help Desk “I want Technical Assistance/IHE Request” to schedule training for the appropriate use of pre-recommendations before utilizing this feature.

Errors? If you notice any errors have been made in the recommendation submission process, please submit a Help Desk “I want Technical Assistance/IHE Request” before notifying the student the recommendation has been made so that we can correct the error before the student applies.

How to view a newly created Ed ID

Your institution should automatically propagate in the Institution field.

Find the student in the list of search results. Click on the View link for the student’s row in the search results.

The Ed ID will be listed in the blue profile information at the top of the student’s EIS file.

Please advise students of their Ed ID # as this will assist them in creating a myNHDOE account if they have not done so already or associating an existing myNHDOE account with their new EIS account.

Student Notification

Please notify students after recommendations are completed and provide them with the following information:

*There is a known EIS system glitch that will expire an IHE recommendation after 30 days (instead of the 3 years authorized by Administrative Rule). If a student attempts to apply after the 30 days from recommendation the student will receive an error that there is no recommendation on file. In fact, the recommendation is still on file and there is nothing further the institution needs to do. Please have the student submit a Help Desk request “I am a New Applicant/NH state approved educator preparation program” and we can reset the submission date to allow the student to apply.




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