EIS: Uncertified: Employed without SOE tab
Christine Zinkand
This feature in EIS provides a way for an employer to confirm that assignments are uploaded correctly and that employees are credentialed for the assignments.
The following roles are able to see this tab and can be assigned by submitting a Help Desk request.
SAU Superintendent, SAU Superintendent Designee, SAU Human Resources, SAU Human Resources (read-only), District Human Resources, District Human Resources (read-only), School Human Resources, School Human Resources (read-only), School Principal, Charter School Administrator, Non-Public School Administrator
Appropriate staff should review the tab at least bi-annually after the due dates for the data submissions. You may consider more frequent viewing depending on frequency of staff changes throughout the year.
The Employed w/o SOE tab displays staff who have an assignment for which the staff member does not hold a full credential in the endorsement required for the assignment.
No. A review of the circumstances for each staff member on the list will determine if any further action is required.
Use the Show option to be sure all staff are showing on the list.
Use the export feature to create a spreadsheet that includes the data on the list.
You can now view the list in your spreadsheet while viewing a staff member’s account in EIS. You can also keep notes as needed in the spreadsheet while conducting your review.
In EIS, use the View link on the left of the staff member’s data row.
Review the Credentials held. Use the Select link to toggle between types of credentials. Any credentials listed that are not issued or expired may be pending review. Please submit any questions regarding credential processing status through our Help Desk and include the staff member's name, assignment(s) including grade level, along with Ed ID if known.
Review the Assignments entered. This link is to the left on the EIS page.
Check the grade level for the assignment is correct (K-12 for Elementary Education is incorrect and must be corrected). This will cause a licensed educator to show on the list because the assignment is outside the K-6/K-8 grade range. This applies to all other endorsements that have grade level ranges that are not K-12 as well.
K-12 is now a data validation point in data submission. Using the “Rollover Teacher Assignments” feature in Tools circumvents this however, and also does not replace formal data submission upload.
Check the assignment is correct. If you are unsure, please contact the principal to confirm. If the assignment is incorrect, this must be corrected.
Here are some common assignment errors:
Elementary Ed (K-6 or K-8) instead of Early Childhood (N-3) and also the reverse
Science 5-8 instead of Life Science, Physical Science, Earth/Space Science and also the reverse
Special Education Administrator instead of Special Education Teacher.
District Administrator for Department Chairs or IT Director (both should be Other Non-credentialed Role)
Specialist endorsement instead of teacher endorsement - Reading and Writing Specialist instead of Reading, Elementary Math Specialist instead of Math
specific content area instead of Special Education Teacher (specific content area supported by a Special Education Teacher can be entered into Local information)
assigning endorsement areas to entries that don’t require licensure - advisory period, homeroom, yearbook advisor - these should all be Other Non-credentialed Role, if entered at all
If the assignment and grade levels are correct, there are a few instances where the staff member should remain on the list and no further action is needed.
Minor assignment: if the assignment listed on the Employed w/o SOE is 49% or less of the staff members work week, this assignment is authorized by Ed 306.15(g). Please click the check box for Minor on the staff members row. You can also use the “Hide Minor Assignments” checkbox in the top section of the page to limit who shows on the list as you review.
In Process of Licensure Authorization (IPLA): if the assignment listed on the Employed w/o SOE has had an IPLA submitted and returned by our office with signature to the Superintendent, this assignment is authorized by Ed 504.05.
One-Year Certificate of Eligibility: if the assignment listed on the Employed w/o SOE has had a One-Year Certificate of Eligibility offered by the employer, this assignment is authorized by RSA 189:39-b.
Credentialing Employment Guide
If the above two scenarios do not apply, the staff member either will need to renew a license if expired in the corresponding endorsement area, or if no license in the assignment area was ever held, apply for a Statement of Eligibility to begin working on a plan for licensure if eligible.
The assignment or hire date can be manually corrected under Home/Manage Your Teacher Assignments/Courses/Edit. This cannot be completed by users with read-only roles.
EIS: Assignments and Hire Dates
The assignment/grade level and hire date must be corrected in the local data source (PowerSchool, etc). Failure to do so will result in the incorrect assignment/grade level or hire date uploading to EIS at the next Submission Course and the staff member returning to the list.
Submission Course uploads of local assignment data with hire date omitted will cause EIS to generate a hire date of 7/1 of the current year, which may conflict with the actual hire date and create duplicate hire date records.
Please submit any questions through our Help Desk and include the staff member's name, assignment(s) including grade level, along with Ed ID if known.
This can be the result of a typo in the Ed ID data that was submitted via Submission Course. The local data source and upload must be corrected. The assignment first, and then the hire date, for the incorrect staff member must be manually deleted from EIS as well.
Using the “Rollover Teacher Assignments” feature in Tools requires manual updates to EIS and local data for recently retired/resigned staff, and also does not replace formal Submission Course upload.
The local data source must be corrected. The assignment for the no-longer employed staff member must be manually deleted from EIS and an End Date in Employment History entered.
Data should be confirmed by the school principal first.
Please submit any other credentialing questions through our Credentialing Help Desk and include the staff member's name, assignment(s) including grade level, along with Ed ID if known.
Please submit any other data collection questions through our Data Collection & Reporting Help Desk.