EIS: Assignments and Hire/End Dates

EIS: Assignments and Hire/End Dates


Employers provide employment data to EIS via data submission to NHED or manual entry.



Your Local myNHDOE Security Administrator or HR personnel can ensure you have the appropriate role in EIS based on job duties by submitting a Help Desk request.

Hire/End Dates (manual entry enabled):


Superintendent, Superintendent Designee, SAU Human Resources, District Human Resources

Public Charter

Charter School Administrator


Non-Public School Administrator





manual assignment entry not enabled

Public Charter



manual assignment entry enabled currently, but pending updates will remove this ability

Charter School Administrator


manual assignment entry enabled

Non-Public School Administrator


NHED Data Collection

Course Assignments iNHDEX

Upon review of the EIS: Employed without SOE tab or Manage Your Teacher Assignments list in EIS, employers may find an assignment has been entered incorrectly, an educator that is not an employee has been mistakenly uploaded, an employee has left employment but an end date has not yet been entered, or a candidate is not yet showing up on the correct SBLP tab for plan submission.


  • Employers required to report data to the NHDOE do so through the NHED Data Submission process.

    • Credentialing Data Submission comes from a local data source, which may be a software program the employer has purchased or developed, such as PowerSchool, or perhaps spreadsheets.

  • For employers that upload data through the NHED Data Submission process, it is extremely important that all manual changes made in EIS are communicated to those staff that update the local data system. If manual changes made in EIS are not also made in the local data system, the next time local data is uploaded to NHED, the manual changes will be replaced by the previous incorrect information and will need to be manually removed from EIS again.

  • Employers voluntarily reporting employee data to EIS to allow for electronic processing of Site-Based Licensing Plans typically do this manually within EIS.

  • Data submissions can be identified as manual (EIS) or through NHED (ex. i4see, CATE) by viewing the employee’s assignments.

View an employee’s complete assignment/employment history

Log in to myNHDOE and select the appropriate user role.

From your EIS Home screen, use the black Search tab at the top of the screen to locate the employee and select View in the search results.

If you are already working from the Employed without SOE tab, you may use the View link on the far left next to the employee’s Ed ID # to see the employee’s account.

Once in the employee’s account, select Assignments on the far left.

Select All in the Year dropdown to see all assignments/employment history entered.

Helpful tip: If corrections need to be made to an employee’s assignments/hire/end dates, take a screenshot of the employee’s assignments/employment history and save/print to refer to later, as you will not be able to see all of the information in the same place in the area of EIS where edits are made. You are not able to make edits from the employee’s Assignment page.

List of Available Assignments (Subject Areas/Codes)

Manually add/correct/delete an assignment in EIS

Removing assignment data manually only available to Public Charter and Non-Public schools. Public schools must make corrections through Data Submission process.

Log in to myNHDOE and select the appropriate user role.

Select the appropriate year for the assignment you wish to add/correct/delete:

Locate the employee on the list, ensuring the correct District/School is selected at the top of the screen.

Use the Courses link.

Use the Add, Edit or Delete link as appropriate.

Please note: For employers that upload data through the NHED Data Submission process, it is extremely important that all manual changes made in EIS are communicated to those staff that update the local data system. If manual changes made in EIS are not also made in the local data system, the next time local data is uploaded to NHED the manual changes will be replaced by the previous incorrect information and will need to be manually removed from EIS again.

List of Available Assignments (Subject Areas/Codes)

Manually enter a new hire date

Be sure you have the new hire’s Ed ID before beginning process.

Advise the new hire to print off any professional development they have submitted through EIS, as entering this hire date will restrict access to that page in EIS.

Log in to myNHDOE and select the appropriate user role.

Scroll to the bottom of the staff list.

On the Add Teacher Employment screen, click Search. Enter the Ed ID and click Search again.

Be sure the name displayed matches the new hire. Click OK.

Select the correct district. For district staff, select the blank option at the top of the school list. For school staff, select the correct school.

Enter the hire date. Click Submit.

Manually edit a hire/end date or enter an end date in EIS

Log in to myNHDOE and select the appropriate user role.

Select the current school year or the school year that includes the previously entered end date:

Locate the employee on the list, ensuring the correct District/School is selected at the top of the screen.

Note: if you need to remove/edit an end date that has already been entered, you must first click the Activate link at the right side end of the staff members row and enter a new hire date (you can use today’s date). This new hire date will also need to be deleted once the end date is removed/edited.


Use the Emp Hist link:


Emp Hist: Use the Edit/Delete link as appropriate to add/edit/delete an end date and to delete a hire date added in the Activate step above.

If your myNHDOE/EIS role does not offer the option to Edit/Delete from the Emp Hist link, please use View for the staff member instead, click on Assignments and Edit/Delete from within the staff members account.

Please note: For employers that upload data through the NHED Data Submission process, it is extremely important that all manual changes made in EIS are communicated to those staff that update the local data system. If manual changes made in EIS are not also made in the local data system, the next time local data is uploaded to NHED, the manual changes will be replaced by the previous incorrect information and will need to be manually removed from EIS again.


Manually delete all data for someone that has never been employed and was uploaded/entered in error

Removing assignment data manually only available to Public Charter and Non-Public schools. Public schools must make corrections through Data Submission process.

Be sure to confirm in the local data and EIS that any assignments attributed to the incorrect employee are assigned to an actual employee.


Log in to myNHDOE and select the appropriate user role.

Use the instructions above to view the incorrect employee’s complete assignment/employment history.


Select the appropriate year for the assignments you wish to delete:

Locate the incorrect employee on the list, ensuring the correct District/School is selected at the top of the screen.

Use the Courses link. *You must delete all assignments in each year entered before deleting the employment history.

Use the delete link as appropriate.

Repeat for each year the incorrect employee had assignments entered.

Once all incorrect assignments are deleted, select the current year.

Use the Emp Hist link.

Emp Hist: Use the Delete link to delete all employment history entries.


Please note: For employers that upload data through the NHED Data Submission process, it is extremely important that all manual changes made in EIS are communicated to those staff that update the local data system. If manual changes made in EIS are not also made in the local data system, the next time local data is uploaded to NHED the manual changes will be replaced by the previous incorrect information and will need to be manually removed from EIS again.

Also be sure that the assignments that were mis-assigned have been assigned to the correct staff member in the local data and EIS.

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