Credentialing Data Submission FAQ
When does EIS offer the option of entries for the next school year?
EIS is typically updated after 7/1 (usually between 7/1 and 7/15, but dates may vary slightly due to system update scheduling).
Is there a crosswalk that associates endorsements with assignments?
Yes! EIS: Endorsement Assignment Crosswalk
Why is it important to ensure Course Assignments iNHDEX/SEEDS/CATE data is correct?
While the process of uploading local data to the Department of Education is not under the purview of the Bureau of Credentialing, some of the data from these submissions are viewed through the EIS/Assignments screen.
The accuracy of the local data uploaded via the submissions impacts our office and customers (including employers):
when determining if a staff member is authorized for the employed role
when advising educators the steps to be taken to renew a license
when advising candidates regarding Site-Based Licensing Plans
when reviewing applications for which specific experience requirements must be met before approval
I corrected data in the submission spreadsheet, but with the next submission the incorrect data appeared in EIS again. Why did this happen?
Some employers use a Student Information System (SIS) that requires an extract of the data to submit to NHED. If the data is corrected in the extraction for upload to NHED, but never corrected in the SIS, the next time an extract is made of the SIS and uploaded, the incorrect data will be transmitted again. Ideally, data corrections should be made in the SIS and then a new extract used with the correct data, instead of corrections being made in the extract file.
The correct assignment is entered, but the educator is still listed as not certified. How can I fix this?
Each assignment must have the correct subject/course and grade level. If the grade level listed is not in the span authorized under the endorsement, the educator will show as not certified. An example of this would be an Elementary Education assignment with grade level K-12. Elementary Education is K-6 or K-8. Editing the grade level should resolve the issue.
I don’t see a particular subject area available for a staff member. What should be entered in the local data system for upload?
Some subject areas/assignments are self-explanatory, for instance a Chemistry assignment (10900) would require the Chemistry endorsement (1308). Some subject areas/assignments are less obvious due to job titles and responsibilities. Below are some of the most commonly confused assignment/endorsement combinations:
Enrichment, Interventionist (typically Reading or Math), Study Hall, Director of Technology, Athletic Director, and Paraeducators for which the employer does not require NHED licensure
Other Non Credentialed Role (17500)
These assignments do not require licensure. You can add the specific subject/position information in the local class information.
Please note, experience in an “Other Non Credentialed Role” does not meet the experience requirement for any of the endorsements that require educator experience.
An assignment of Other Non Credentialed Role is also not eligible for a Site-Based Licensing Plan.
Assistant Principal
Associate Principal (10400)
District Administrator
This title has a very specific credentialing meaning.
A District Administrator means the senior educational official of a school district or school administrative unit with 400 or fewer total school-age enrollments and with no more than 2 public schools.
This role is used in lieu of a Superintendent.
A District Administrator does not mean any Administrator position at the district.
Extra Support Positions (typically Math and Reading)
Reading and Writing Teacher - authorized to be a student’s teacher of record for reading/writing, but not English/Language Arts
Reading and Writing Specialist - authorized to be a student’s teacher of record for reading/writing, but not English/Language Arts, typically in a role of mentor to classroom teachers/support staff regarding reading and writing instruction
Elementary Mathematics Specialist - not authorized to be a student’s teacher of record for mathematics, typically in a role of mentor to classroom teachers/support staff regarding mathematics instruction
Tutor/Interventionist - not authorized to be a student’s teacher of record, not required to hold licensure (Other Non Credentialed Role (17500)
Interim Positions (often Principal or Superintendent)
Interim positions must follow the same licensure rules (unless they are teacher, para or school nurse position for only 20 consecutive days or less - these would be considered a short-term substitute).
The Interim position assignment is entered just as it would be if it was a full-year position. You would just need to ensure an end date was entered as soon as the position for that person was over if they left the SAU (or update the local data fields to indicate it was only for Semester 1 or whatever the time period if they continue on in another position in the SAU).
Mathematics, Middle Level (to Algebra I/Integrated)
Mathematics, Upper Level (Pre-Algebra to AP Math)
These two endorsements are now content specific, not grade level specific.
For example, both of these endorsements are authorized to teach a 9th grade Algebra I course.
Middle School
Elementary Education K-6/K-8 - the Elementary Education endorsements authorize teaching English, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies up to grade 6 or 8 respectively.
English 5-8, Mathematics, Middle Level (to Algebra I/Integrated I), Science 5-8, Social Studies 5-8 - content specific endorsement
Each local employer can choose the local requirements for licensure for teaching the middle school content areas for English, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies (Elementary Education or content specific endorsement).
If an employer requires licensure for paraeducators, the paraeducator assignment should be entered in EIS to allow for renewal recommendations under a NHED approved Professional Development Master Plan.
If an employer does not require licensure for paraeducators, the paraeducator can be entered with a hire date and Other Non Credentialed role assignment. Please note, if this is done, and the paraeducator does hold a Paraeducator license, the paraeducator will have to submit a paper application to us for renewal and will not be able to renew online.
If the employer does not require licensure for paraeducators, and does not want to enter them in EIS, the employer can omit them from the Submission Course.
We do suggest if it is a Title I or Special Ed Para that they have assignments submitted, as those two departments here at the NHED use EIS information to check for Title I/Special Ed compliance.
Physical Science
Can be assigned to an educator with Physical Science, Chemistry or Physics endorsement.
Early Childhood Education/Early Childhood Special Education - authorized to teach Preschool/Pre-K.
Elementary Education K-6/K-8 and Special Education Teacher (K-12) - not authorized to teach Preschool/Pre-K.
Special Education (case manager, administrator, coordinator, facilitator)
If the staff member is providing the primary special education services for a student, they need to be an Early Childhood Special Education Teacher (birth-grade 3) or a Special Education Teacher (K-12).
If the staff member is providing special ed support under a licensed special education teacher (either endorsement listed above), they only need to meet the requirements for Paraeducator II.
If your SAU does not require Para II licensure, you would enter Other Non-Credentialed Role (17500) and the job title in the local class field.
If the staff member is the highest ranking Special Education official for the employer, the assignment should be Special Education Administrator. Any staff working under this person in an administrative role (perhaps at a local school level) does not require licensure. Enter as Other Non-Credentialed Role (17500) and the job title in the local class field.
The NH State Board of Education does not require licensure for these courses. If the course meets a student’s requirement for a content area, the teacher must be credentialed in that content area.
Comprehensive Business Education - technology used in the area of business
Computer Science - includes algorithms, computing innovations/emerging technologies, programming, data/analysis (encoding, compression, encryption, computational tools), computing systems and networks (hardware/software, program execution, local/network/cloud computing and storage), and cybersecurity.
Digital Learning Specialist - a collaborative coach to assist other educators with incorporating technology in the classroom.
Library Media Specialist - technology used in the area of library media
Technology and Engineering - technology used in the idea, design, model/prototype, product process for the following areas: Medical, Agricultural, Biotechnology, Energy and power, Information and communications, Transportation, Manufacturing, Construction, Robotics and automation, and Emerging technologies.
CTE Center only endorsements
Computer Installation and Repair, Computer Programming, Computer Software and Media Applications, Computer Systems Networking and Telecommunications, Machining Technology, Manufacturing Technology, Drafting and Design Technology, Computer Engineering Technology