EIS: Recommended Renewal Submission

EIS: Recommended Renewal Submission

Renewal Recommendations for full-time and part-time licensed educators are based on the employer’s NHED approved Professional Development Master Plan (PDMP). Please feel free to use any article language or links in your own renewal messaging.

Background Information:

Experienced Educator Upgrade

  • Employers authorized to recommend for renewal under a NHED approved PDMP are also able to recommend educators for an Experienced Educator License (EEL) at the time of renewal recommendation. Complete EEL upgrade and renewal recommendations at the same time.

  • Ed 504.02 Experienced Educator License

    • at least 3 years of full-time or full-time equivalent experience as an educator at the elementary through secondary levels of education

      • part-time/full-time equivalency example: approximately 10 years at 30% time

    • being deemed effective or above according to the local evaluation system for 2 consecutive years

    • successfully completing a renewal cycle

  • After EEL upgrade, all current endorsements, as well as any endorsements obtained in the future, will appear on the EEL. The EEL upgrade is valid because requirements have been met for an experienced educator. Educators do not need to meet the EEL requirements for each endorsement individually.

  • Applicants will see a yellow banner on the myNHDOE/EIS/Educator/View Your Credentials page indicating completed EEL recommendation. EIS will appear to be renewing the Beginning Educator License (BEL). The applicant will not see the EEL in EIS until after application/payment.

You can confirm employment:

  • in EIS if the educator was employed the first year at another NH SAU

  • with a letter from a former employer documenting the additional year of full-time experience

With that documentation, along with two consecutive years evaluated at effective or above at your SAU, the employee can be recommended for upgrade.

You can have the educator provide you with a letter from a former employer documenting:

  • at least 2 additional years of full-time experience

  • with at least the previous year being deemed effective or above according to the local evaluation system (to meet the 2 consecutive year requirement).

With that documentation, along with the current year evaluated at effective or above at your SAU, the employee can be recommended for upgrade.

Paraeducator Renewals


Renewals for Licensed Educators employed as Paraeducators or “Other Non-Credentialed Role”

  • Renewals can be challenging for these two subsets of employees as each SAU decides how to handle these two situations. Employees that may have recently arrived from another SAU may be expecting the same process they previously experienced even though your process is different.

  • Licensed paraeducators and licensed educators employed as paraeducators or “Other Non-Credentialed Role” going through a first renewal will also need guidance on the best way to apply for renewal based on SAU policy.

  • If they are covered under the SAU PDMP/electronically recommended for renewal, they are able to apply online. Will the SAU instead be submitting a check/paper application? Or reimbursing?

  • If they are not going to be recommended, do they have a hire date/assignment entered in EIS and need to submit a paper application (DOE Renewal)?

  • If they are not going to be recommended, are they able to submit an online DOE Renewal because they are not reported in EIS with a hire date/assignment?

  • Our office frequently receives assistance requests from employees that fall into these two categories and the employees are referred back to the SAU Superintendent’s Office/Human Resources if there is a current hire date in EIS to confirm local process. Those with no current hire date in EIS are instructed to complete a DOE Renewal online.


Submitting a Renewal Recommendation:


  • Beginning Educator, Experienced Educator, Paraeducator, School Nurse, and Educational Interpreter/Transliterator

  • Intern Authorizations cannot be renewed through a recommended renewal. For more information regarding Intern Authorizations, please review Site-Based Licensing Plan information.


  • Superintendent, Superintendent Designee, Non-Public School Administrator

  • Charter schools with a NHED approved PDMP must be assigned Non-Public School Administrator to be able to submit renewal recommendations.

Your Local myNHDOE Security Administrator can ensure you have the appropriate role in EIS based on job duties.

Non-Public School role requests should be submitted at the Data Help Desk.


  • Recommendations for renewal should be submitted starting January 1st until June 30th of the year the license expires. The system will continue to allow recommendations until 7/31, however, in case any are inadvertently missed.

  • Those employees 1) holding a current valid license expiring this year, and 2) leaving the SAU and 3) being recommended for renewal should be recommended before an employment end date is entered into EIS.

  • Prior to submitting a renewal recommendation, please encourage employees receiving recommendations to confirm the emails in their myNHDOE/EIS account profiles are current and update the emails in their profile as needed. The system will send an auto-email when you submit the recommendation to notify them the recommendation is complete.

  • It is important to be sure to submit all renewal recommendations prior to 6/30 of the expiration year. There may be an additional fee for reinstating a license after the expiration date.

    • The link to apply for a recommended renewal will stay in the employees EIS account until the employee applies or 7/31, whichever is earliest.

    • After 7/31, if the employee has not applied for renewal, the link will be removed and the employee will need to submit a paper application for a recommended renewal.

  • On 7/1 the To Recommend Tab will show a list of educators that expire at the end of the next school year, which you can begin to recommend after 1/1 of the expiration year.



  • or



  • In order for an employee to be recommended for renewal electronically in EIS and pay for a renewal online through myNHDOE, the following must all be true:

    • Holds a current, valid Beginning Educator, Experienced Educator, School Nurse, Paraeducator or EIT license. If a staff member does not show up on the list that you expect to see there, view the staff members EIS account.

      • Confirm the expiration date is for this year. If the expiration date is for next year or the following year, the staff member will show up on the list after January 1st of the expiration year.

      • If no license information shows in the staff member’s EIS account, it may be because no license was ever issued, or the license has already expired. Please submit a Help Desk request if this is the case for further instructions.

    • Has a current hire date for the SAU in EIS with no corresponding end date and has a current year assignment in EIS

    • Has met the SAU PDMP requirements for recommendation


  • Select employees to renew by using the checkboxes on the To Recommend list.

    • The checkbox will not work if the employee does not have assignments in EIS for the current year, or has been inactivated due to Leave of Absence or Other-Still Employed. Assignments will need to be entered first, or end dates and reasons corrected. See Frequently Asked Questions below.

    • Hire Date/Assignment corrections: Employees can check their myNHDOE/EIS/Educator/View Your Credentials/Assignments to confirm hire dates/assignments. Please provide employees with the appropriate contact person to make corrections at the SAU/HR/School level. Corrections should be made manually in EIS for this year, and also corrected in the local school data system to ensure future Submission Course uploads are correct.

      EIS: Assignments and Hire/End Dates


  • At the bottom of the list, click:


  • The renewal recommendation wizard will take you through the steps to recommend.


  • If an employee is eligible for Experienced Educator upgrade, please be sure to recommend the employee.


  • EIS Auto-email is sent.

    • Once the renewal recommendation is complete, EIS will send an auto-email to the employee at the emails in the employee’s EIS account profile. The email notifies the employee the renewal recommendation is complete and provides instructions to apply. Additional Recommended Renewal instructions for employees.



Renewal Application Processing Information:

Application Processing Timelines

These are processed automatically by EIS. Licenses are generally issued immediately and emailed at that time to emails in the employee's myNHDOE/EIS profile.

These are processed by our staff manually. Please expect 3-4 weeks from our receipt of a paper application for payment to be processed and an application to appear in myNHDOE/EIS/Educator/View Your Credentials. Once an application is placed in the queue, the processing time can be up to 30 days for initial review.

Applications are placed in queue immediately upon application/payment completion. These are evaluated by our staff, and once an application is placed in queue, the processing time can be up to 30 days for initial review.

These are processed by our staff manually. Please expect 3-4 weeks from our receipt of a paper application for payment to be processed and an application to appear in myNHDOE/EIS/Educator/View Your Credentials. Once an application is placed in the queue, the processing time can be up to 30 days for initial review.


  • SAU administrative staff can use the online Educator Search to determine if a renewal has successfully been issued while awaiting a copy from the employee.


Frequently Asked Questions

From Applicants (you can provide this information to your employees):

Check your spam/junk folder for the email.

If the email is not there, it is likely you are not looking at the email inbox for the email address that is in your account. If you don’t remember which email is in your account, check all of your personal and work inboxes, including spam/junk.

If the email in your account is an email you no longer have access to or there may be a typo in your email address, please contact your employer’s Local myNHDOE Security Administrator. You will then be able to access your account to apply for your recommendation. You will not receive another email notification at the updated address, but you will be able to view the email sent you in your myNHDOE/EIS/Educator/View Your Credentials/Emails section.

Per administrative rule Ed 513.03 (c) “Professional development completed after nomination or election pursuant to RSA 189:14-a, shall be counted toward the next 3-year license renewal cycle.”

This applies to all full licenses (Para I, Para II, SN, BEL, EEL).

SAU Staff:

General FAQ’s

All employees with expired licenses cannot be recommended for renewal by an employer and must submit a DOE Renewal.

If a current hire date has not yet been entered in EIS, please wait until the employee has renewed online before entering the hire date.

If current hire date is entered in EIS for an employee with an expired license, the employee must submit the paper application and is unable to pay online.

Educators may have added a new endorsement since the last renewal cycle. New endorsements added to a license are given the same expiration date as the license.

Check the employer NHED approved PDMP to see if policy has already been set for this occurrence. If not, the employer may pro-rate the PD required to renew this endorsement.

If an educator were to renew through our office, we would pro-rate as follows:

Endorsement added:

  • first year of renewal cycle - 30 CEU’s required

  • second year of renewal cycle - 20 CEU’s required

  • third year of renewal cycle from 7/1 - 6/30 - 10 CEU’s required


The renewal recommendation submission process described above allows the employer to select which endorsements to recommend.

  • If an educator wishes to drop an endorsement (not needed for the current assignment), leave the endorsement to be dropped unchecked.

  • If an educator contacts you wanting to drop an endorsement after the recommendation has already been submitted and the employee has not yet applied:

    • The employee will appear on the Recommended tab.


    • Select the Edit link on the employee’s row that you would like to reverse.

    • Ignore the status of Issued and the note in red. While the system has been updated, this messaging has yet to be removed. If the employee has applied you will not see the name on the list to edit and there will be no opportunity to accidentally disable the endorsement. The Issued status refers to the license that is expiring this year and being renewed.

    • Once you have reversed the recommendation, the employee will appear again on the To Recommend tab and the recommendation can be submitted correctly.

  • If an educator contacts you wanting to drop an endorsement after the recommendation has already been submitted and the employee has already applied, the educator will have the new endorsement on the license for the next cycle. The educator would be able to decide to drop the endorsement for the upcoming cycle.

  • Educators should be made aware that there is an additional process/fee with our office to add a previously dropped endorsement back on to a license.

  • If an educator started with an Elementary Education K-6 endorsement and upgraded to an Elementary Education K-8 endorsement, there is no need for the educator to continue to renew Elementary Education K-6. The same is true for other endorsements that surpass the original grade level range such as English 5-8/English 5-12, or endorsements such as Paraeducator I/Paraeducator II, Assistant Principal/Principal and Assistant Superintendent/Superintendent.

  • Remind any employees leaving the SAU to retain a copy of any professional development for the current renewal cycle entered into a local system, as EIS is not connected to any of these local systems.

  • If not employed under another PDMP by the next licensure expiration date, renewal will be through the NHED.

  • Enter an end date/reason for the employee. If the employee has a license due for renewal this year, please submit the recommendation and have the employee renew prior to entering the end date/reason. Entering an end date before recommendation will remove the educator from the list. EIS: Assignments and Hire/End Dates

  • Employees leaving employment in the current school year with a license expiring at the end of the following school year are not eligible for recommendation, even if the employee has met the professional development requirements already. Renewal recommendations can only be made for those employed with the SAU between 1/1 and 6/30 of the expiration year. Remind the employee to obtain copies of all submitted professional development before leaving employment.

After 1/1 of the current school year:

  • you can find educators due for renewal 6/30 of the current school year on the Renewals/To Recommend tab

    • click the Excel icon to download the list

  • you can find educators due for renewal 6/30 of the following school year on the Renewals/Renewals for 20xx-20xx tab

    • there is not a download option available, but you can highlight the list and copy/paste the data into a spreadsheet

7/1 - 12/30 of the current school year:

  • you can find educators due for renewal 6/30 of the following school year on the Renewals/Renewals for 20xx-20xx tab

    • there is not a download option available, but you can highlight the list and copy/paste the data into a spreadsheet

View educators that have been recommended but have not yet submitted an application/fee on the Renewals/Recommended tab.

  • there is not a download option available, but you can highlight the list and copy/paste the data into a spreadsheet

A candidate participating in a Site-Based Licensing Plan is not a fully licensed educator in the endorsement of their plan. The candidate can use appropriate professional development to meet the requirements of the plan, but there is no endorsement for the person to renew because the candidate hasn’t been issued one yet. During the plan time, the candidate is employed under an Intern Authorization, which is not renewable and is not a license. Once a SBLP candidate’s End of Plan is approved, the endorsement will be issued on a BEL/EEL. At this point the educator will submit professional development to the employer under the employer’s PDMP.

If an educator already holds a license in another endorsement(s), they need to submit professional development under your PDMP for the endorsement(s), even if they are employed working on a Site-Based Licensing Plan for a new endorsement.

Candidates preparing to submit End of Plans also already holding an issued Beginning or Experienced Educator License expiring at the end of the current school year should be recommended for renewal, apply for renewal, and await renewal issuance before having an End of Plan uploaded. Failing to do so may result in receiving a renewed license missing the newly upgraded SBLP endorsement.

As soon as a new hire is given a hire date by the employer in EIS, EIS shuts off the link for renewing directly with us (this includes viewing previously entered professional development).

  • New hires should be advised to print their professional development from EIS before a hire date is entered by the employer.

  • If a hire date has already been entered, educators can submit a Help Desk request and we can send a screenshot of the independently completed professional development already entered in EIS to submit for local professional development approval.

  • Any professional development completed with a former employer would need to be obtained by the educator directly from the former employer. We have no record of local professional development.

Please note, any previous professional development completed independently or with another employer needs to be confirmed with appropriate documentation and approved under the employer’s PDMP by the current employer. Our office has not reviewed any professional development entered prior to application or from other employers.

Can substitutes be included in SAU renewal recommendations?

Short-term subs (day to day) - these subs do not have hire dates/assignments in EIS so would not be part of SAU renewal recommendations.

Long-term subs (20 consecutive days or more) - these subs are required to meet credentialing requirements and should have hire dates/assignments in EIS. The long-term sub would need to:

  • be employed with the SAU at the time the SAU submits renewal recommendations (1/1 - 6/30 of the year of expiration).

  • have completed sufficient professional development to renew, either

    • completing the professional development requirements entirely with the employer under the PDMP, or

    • completing the professional development requirements independently of the employer, but employer review confirms the professional development meets the PDMP requirements, or

    • completing the professional development requirements with a combination of employer provided and independent professional development

  • renew directly with NHED Credentialing if the employer determines there is insufficient professional development to recommend for renewal under the employer’s PDMP. If still employed when ready to renew, the sub would need to submit a Help Desk request to request a paper application and would not be able to apply online with an open hire date in EIS.

For SAU’s submitting payment for renewal of educator or paraeducator licenses, our office suggests submitting individual checks along with the appropriate paper application.

Please be aware if a batch check is sent and there are any errors in calculations, the check will need to be re-issued and all applications associated with the batch check will be delayed.

If an SAU will reimburse educators or paraeducators for renewals, the employee is able to:

  • print the receipt screen after making a credit card payment in EIS

  • print the fee page in myNHDOE/EIS/Educator/View Your Credentials/Fees to submit as documentation of payment – authorization code will be present for successful credit card transactions.

  • Professional Development Requirements

    • BEL/EEL - 45 CEU’s of professional education, 30 CEU’s for each endorsement

    • Paraeducator - 50 CEU’s

    • School Nurse - 45 CEU’s

    • Educational Interpreter/Transliterator - 50 CEU’s

  • Late Fee

    • BEL/EEL renewals may have additional reinstatement fees.

    • Paraeducator, School Nurse and Educational Interpreter/Transliterator renewals do not have a late fee.

  • Expiration Dates

    • BEL/EEL’s may have multiple endorsements and the expiration date for each endorsement will be based on the expiration date of the BEL/EEL. All endorsements will expire at the same time, regardless of when the endorsement was issued (pro-rating professional development requirements may be necessary).

    • Paraeducator, School Nurse and Educational Interpreter/Transliterator licenses are each separate credentials and have their own expiration dates.

    • An educator with a BEL that expires this year could also have a Paraeducator, School Nurse and/or Educational Interpreter/Transliterator license that expires in a different year. This is not an issue as the educator would just be on different cycles for each license type.


Technical Issue FAQ’s

Please discourage educators from adding a new endorsement to a license immediately after a recommendation for renewal has been received. The educator should wait until after application/payment/issuance has happened for the renewal before applying for a new endorsement. This will align the new endorsement expiration date with the new license expiration date.

If the educator applies for a new endorsement after recommendation for renewal, but before renewing the license, the newly issued endorsement will not be renewed upon renewal application/payment/issuance and the educator will need to submit a Help Desk request to have this resolved in the system by our staff.

EIS will not allow an SAU to recommend an expired license. If the SAU becomes aware that a recommendation has not been submitted prior to 7/1 of the expiration year, the SAU can submit a Help Desk request for assistance.

The window for SAU assistance is currently until 12/31 of the expiration year (an upcoming system update will shorten the window to 9/30 of the expiration year).

After the window for assistance closes, the educator will need to renew the expired license directly with our office.

Late recommendation process:

The educator’s expired license will be reset to issued by the Bureau of Credentialing and the recommendation will be submitted as usual. As EIS will reset each night, the recommendation must be submitted on the same day the license is reset, or the SAU will need to request another reset.

  • If the recommendation is late because the educator submitted professional development late to the SAU, the educator can apply online and pay the additional reinstatement fee (for BEL/EEL).

  • If the recommendation is late due to an SAU oversight, the SAU can provide the educator with the paper application to submit with the renewal fee (no late fee required). Please also provide the educator with a letter on letterhead or an email that they can print to include with the recommended renewal form, confirming that they met the renewal requirements on time and should have been recommended prior to the deadline.

    Paper Applications (use recommended-renewal.pdf)

  • Paraeducator, School Nurse and Educational Interpreter/Transliterator renewals do not have a late fee and can apply online regardless of late reason.

If the Superintendent and/or Superintendent Designee becomes aware of any errors with recommendations (missed endorsements or missed EEL upgrade), one of the below actions will need to be taken depending on whether the employee has applied for the renewal yet or not.

Employee has not yet applied:

  • The employee will appear on the Recommended tab.


  • Notify the employee to hold off applying until the fix is complete and the employee is notified again by the SAU.

  • Select the Edit link on the employee’s row that you would like to reverse.

  • Ignore the status of Issued and the note in red, as while the system has been updated, this messaging has yet to be removed. If the employee has applied you will not see the name on the list to edit and there will be no opportunity to accidentally disable the endorsement. The Issued status refers to the license that is expiring this year and being renewed.

  • Once you have reversed the recommendation, the employee will appear again on the To Recommend tab and the recommendation can be submitted correctly.

Employee has applied:

  • Once application/payment is made, the employee will no longer appear on the Recommended list for the employer to edit.

  • In order for us to correct the recommendation, the employer must submit a dated letter on letterhead signed by the Senior Educational Official stating that the educator has met the requirements for a particular endorsement or Experienced Educator upgrade or has not met the requirements for the Experienced Educator upgrade if submitted in error. This letter in a PDF must be emailed by the employer to credentialing.docs@doe.nh.gov and must include the educator name, Ed ID, endorsements affected, or a request to upgrade the license to an Experienced Educator license or correct the license to reflect a Beginning Educator license again.

  • Upon processing the request, we will upload the letter to the educator’s file as documentation, correct the missing endorsement and/or upgrade the license, and email the educator the updated license.

EIS: Assignments and Hire/End Dates

  • Unable to find employee on To Recommend list:

    • Check the Recommended Tab - the employee may have already been recommended.

    • Confirm the employee has a license that expires at the end of the current school year.

    • Be sure the employee has an open hire date/assignment and there is no end date entered.

    • Leave of Absence/Other-Still Employed: An educator may be on a leave of absence during the period from 1/1-6/30 of the expiration year of the license. If an End Date and Reason: Leave of Absence or Other-Still Employed has been entered in EIS for the educator’s employment history, the educator will not show on the To Recommend Tab. In order to recommend this educator:

      • activate the employee by entering a new hire date that occurs after the prior End Date (you can use the current date)

      • submit the renewal recommendation

      • wait until the application for renewal has been submitted by the employee

      • edit the employment history to delete the hire date most recently entered (do not just enter a new end date)

      • no need to update local data, as this is a temporary fix

  • Employee listed is not employed:

    • Employee listed was never employed at SAU: This likely occurred through a typo with Ed ID either with a Submission Course upload or manual entry. The hire date/assignments will need to be removed.

    • Employee listed was employed at one time, but is no longer employed at SAU: An end date was likely not entered when the employee left employment. The end date will need to be added to the employment history.



Need assistance? Please submit a Help Desk request.



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