Military and NH Servicemembers, Veterans and Spouses Expedited Review

Military and NH Servicemembers, Veterans and Spouses Expedited Review

In January 2023, Congress added a new provision to the SCRA that allows servicemembers and their spouses to use their professional licenses and certificates when they relocate due to military orders, in certain circumstances.



Military and NH Servicemember

  • In the armed forces of the United States, a reserve unit of the armed forces of the United States, active member of the NH National Guard, or the National Guard of another state deployed to New Hampshire; AND

  • Serving in New Hampshire or in a bordering state while living in New Hampshire.


  • An individual living in New Hampshire who served at least 180 days of active duty, other than for training, or was discharged after serving 30 days due to a service-connected disability in the US Armed Forces and was discharged or released from activity under honorable conditions.

  • Honorable conditions include Honorable and General Under Honorable discharges.


  • The Spouse of a Servicemember.

The Portability of Professional Licenses and Certificates for Service Members and Their Spouses Initiative applies under the following conditions:

  • Candidate has two consecutive years of experience under another state’s educator license immediately preceding the move.

  • The move is a result of a Permanent Change of Station.

  • Candidate remains in good standing with the National Association of State Directors of Teacher Education and Certification (NASDTEC).

Expedite Process

Upload your documentation

  • Create or access your myNHDOE/EIS account.

  • Make note of your Educator ID number in your EIS profile.

  • Upload the following documents:

    • Official Transcripts with degree(s) conferred

    • Military Identification and Privilege Card or DD214 with discharge circumstance other than Dishonorable (upload under Government Issued ID option)

    • Permanent Change of Station orders (upload under Government Issued ID option)

    • Another state’s educator license/DODEA license

    • Any testing completed (for example: Praxis, Pearson…)

    • Educator experience in another state

Receive guidance for the best pathway

  • Submit a Help Desk request

  • Please include your name and Educator ID number.

  • The Bureau of Credentialing will guide you towards the best pathway based on your documents.

Apply for Licensure

  • Based on the Bureau of Credentialing response to your Help Desk request, submit the appropriate application/fee.

  • Let us know on your existing Help Desk request that you have submitted your application for expedited review.

Credentialing Help Desk Requests

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  • Submit and track all of your Help Desk requests in one place.

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  • Create a request without creating a Help Desk account using your email address.




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