Change your name on your credential or in EIS

Change your name on your credential or in EIS



You can edit your profile information (including address/contact info) at any time in your EIS account. When you log into myNHDOE/EIS/Educator/View Your Credentials, you can use the link under your profile information (blue/green/yellow boxes) to edit contact information in your profile (except name changes, which require a form be submitted as described below).

Name changes can be submitted for:

  • legal name change

  • marriage

  • divorce

  • multiple EIS accounts

  • associating your myNHDOE account with your EIS account


How to submit a name change request:

  • Download form below, complete fillable PDF, save form (signature not required if submitted through myNHDOE/EIS).

  • If you are unable to access your myNHDOE/EIS account due to your change in name, please mail the form and fee to the address on the form.

  • If you are able to access your myNHDOE/EIS account under your former name, please log into your myNHDOE/EIS account to submit your application and fee following the directions below:

  • Supporting Documentation: You must upload your name change official supporting documentation (from a court or state agency) following the directions here: Document Upload


From your myNHDOE/EIS/Educator Home Screen, click on the following: