Provide Professional Development to NH license holders

Provide Professional Development to NH license holders

The NHDOE neither approves nor recommends (formally or informally) professional learning opportunities and providers. 

License holders renew following the local SAU Professional Development Master Plan if employed under such, and are often required to have PD hours approved at the local level prior to beginning a plan for renewal (which would be the license holder’s responsibility, not the provider's). 

If not employed under a local Master Plan, certificate holders renew directly with the NHDOE following the guidelines below. The Bureau of Credentialing does not provide pre-approval of PD activities or providers.

DOE Renewal

Appropriate documentation would include the following elements provided to each participant:

  • Name of participant

  • Title and content of activity

  • Sponsor name and address

  • Provider name and location

  • Date(s) and duration (# of hours) of participation. If participant did not complete the entire activity then that should be specified.  Each hour of participation is 1 continuing education unit (CEU).

  • Signature or stamp verifying the information provided


30 professional development hours need to align with the competencies of the endorsement, which can be found in this article Endorsements Available and Requirements.


Please also confirm with the Office of Career School Licensing any other requirements that may need to be met.


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