Paraeducator DOE Renewal

Paraeducator DOE Renewal

Who needs to complete a Paraeducator DOE Renewal and what are the requirements?

  • Not Employed in a NH school

  • Employed in NH school but not included under the employer Professional Development Master Plan

  • Employed in a Non-public or Charter School without a Professional Development Master Plan

  • Expired License

Please contact your employer to find out if your school has a Professional Development Master Plan and will be recommending you for renewal or if you should continue with this Paraeducator DOE Renewal. If you will be recommended for renewal under a local Professional Development Master Plan, complete a Recommended Renewal and do not apply for a Paraeducator DOE Renewal.

Professional development - 50 continuing education units (or clock hours) must occur within the 3 year period prior to your application date. Applications may be submitted after January 1 of the expiration year for valid licenses. Expired licenses can be renewed at any time.

Examples of Acceptable Professional Growth Activities

A new course, NHED Educator License Renewal , is now available on the NHED Canvas portal.  The course is open, self-paced, and designed to assist educators with submitting professional development to renew a license.  Both Recommended Renewals and DOE Renewals are covered, along with submission guidelines.  No login is required.


DOE Renewal Application Instructions





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