NH Department of Education Professional Development Master Plan

NH Department of Education Professional Development Master Plan

The purposes of the NH Department of Education Professional Development Master Plan are to ensure that certified educators who are not employed with a NH school district or participating nonpublic school are prepared to enter a NH classroom. It provides guidance for pursuing professional growth. Professional growth is the acquisition of additional information or skill related to better enacting one's role as an educator. It consists of activities such as college courses, seminars or workshops, institutes, and independent study and research. (see: Examples of Professional Development Activities below). The requirements for professional growth activities are intended to increase knowledge of content area(s), subject or field of specialization, improve pedagogy and knowledge of learners and learning, meet professional educator standards, and improve effective instructional practices related to school and district goals that are likely to increase student achievement.

Professional learning through the statewide plan is intended to improve student outcomes and educator learning. Professional growth activities of individuals seeking recertification under this NH Department of Education Professional Development Master Plan may identify current student learning needs and be connected to the NH College and Career Ready Standards adopted by the State Board of Education. Examples of activities that could be included to reflect this learning are interviewing a teacher in the community on how students’ needs have changed, review statewide learning needs as identified in New Hampshire’s statewide assessment results, design a lesson or do research on the summative and formative assessment of student learning.

Job-embedded professional development is the learning that occurs as educators engage in their daily work activities and that results in increased skill and knowledge needed to assist students to reach high standards. It is the documented professional learning that occurs in the course of educator's work. It often includes educators sharing what they have learned, reflecting on specific work experiences to uncover new understanding, and listening to colleagues share best practices while trying out new programs or planning and/or implementing a project. Examples of job-embedded activities could be Curriculum Development, Action Research, Peer Coaching/Mentoring, and Study Groups.

The requirements for recertification of educators who are not employed under a Professional Development Master Plan by a school administrative unit, school district or participating nonpublic school includes the preparation of an Individual Professional Development Plan. The individual plan is a method to help the educator focus on setting goals to meet professional growth requirements during the 3-year recertification cycle. This also provides the Bureau of Credentialing a way to provide feedback as the individual plans and licensure renewals are approved.

NH College and Career Ready Standards



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