Examples of Acceptable Professional Growth Activities

Examples of Acceptable Professional Growth Activities

  • Do not submit evidence unless you receive written notification that your application for renewal has been selected for an audit.

  • One continuing educational unit equates to one clock hour, unless otherwise noted below.

  • Hours must be accrued during the three years prior to application for renewal.

  • The following activities cannot be used for renewal hours/CEU’s: workshop presentation time and instruction time (as teacher, paraeducator, tutor or volunteer) unless part of action research.

  • Preparation/research time for workshop presentation time and instruction time can be used for renewal hours/CEU’s.

Please note, the Bureau of Credentialing is not authorized to pre-review professional development prior to submission with an application and fee.


Examples of acceptable professional development activities can include, but are not limited to, the activities listed below:


Action Research

Action research is a form of disciplined inquiry that involves educators in a process of selecting a focus, collecting data, analyzing and interpreting the data, and taking action. e.g.: Demonstrate new skills in a classroom working directly with students. Identify a topic, establish research procedures, collect research and analyze it. This involves reflecting on the results of the research and taking action or making conclusions.

Evidence to provide if audited: Letter from Principal or Mentor; research report.

Classroom Observation

Observing other educators in the classroom.

Evidence to provide if audited: Log with dates, class name, hours attended and signature of observed educator. Include description of knowledge gained.

College Course(s)

Credit course – 1 credit is equal to 15 hours of PD.

Evidence to provide if audited: Official transcript.


Education-related committee work.

Evidence to provide if audited: verification of membership and copies of agendas with description of outcomes, and dates/times of meetings.

Curriculum, Assessment, or Program Development

Estimate continuing education hours spent in preparation.

Evidence to provide if audited: a copy of the curriculum, or unit of instruction. You may include your curriculum modifications to address the varied educational needs of students. Include goals, objectives, sample activities, and evaluation strategies.

Peer Coaching/Mentoring

Cooperative activities between educators that result in increased learning for both parties (e.g.: Implementation of instructional practices learned during a professional development activity). Activities in which an experienced educator works with a beginning educator to enhance the beginner's job-related skill, knowledge, and discuss classroom practice. (e.g.: analyze classroom instruction, skills, identify strengths and weaknesses, share resources, and discuss and reflect on instructional practices.).

Evidence to provide if audited: verification from Principal or Mentor, with dates/times involved and purpose.

Research/Independent Study

Includes professional reading, webinars, podcasts, lectures, blogs, online workshops, non-credit/audited courses, etc.

Evidence to provide if audited: Certificate of Completion, bibliography with description of knowledge gained and how the information would be used in the classroom, or log with dates, title, hours attended.

Study Groups

Collaborative work or discussion among a small group of educators for the purpose of professional learning. (e.g.: Teachers learn new strategies or program content through professional development activities and from study groups to support implementation of the instructional strategy or technique. To explore knowledge or an educational topic related to readings, research, and shared reflection).

Evidence to provide if audited: verification from Principal or Group Leader regarding dates/times involved along with objectives, purpose and outcomes of study group.


Locations visited that enhance knowledge for educational purposes.

Evidence to provide if audited: a description of the trip with samples of classroom activities.

Workshops, Conferences, Seminars, Symposia, In-Service Training, etc.

Formal training experiences provided by a third party, including employers.

Evidence to provide if audited: dates, explanation of topic, and verification of participation on a certificate or letterhead of the sponsoring organization.

Writing Professional Articles

Original authorship of an in-depth study, review or report.

Evidence to provide if audited: a copy of the published article or draft submitted for publication.





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