First-Time Applicant
Criminal History Record Check (CHRC) Clearance
During the 2020-2021 legislative session, SB 134 was passed, which creates a new section, RSA 189:13-c, which authorizes the Department of Education to conduct a criminal history records check…
The criminal history records check that will be conducted by the Department of Education will be strictly limited to the offenses which are listed in paragraph V of RSA 189:13-a—commonly referred to as the “Section V violations.” Those offenses are provided in their entirety here: RSA 630:1—Capital Murder RSA 630:1-a—First Degree Murder RSA 630:1-b—Second Degree Murder RSA 630:2—Manslaughter RSA 631:1 First Degree Assault RSA 632-A:2—Aggravated Felonious Sexual Assault RSA 632-A:3—Felonious Sexual Assault RSA 632-A:4—Sexual Assault (misdemeanor level) RSA 633:1—Kidnapping RSA 633:7—Human Trafficking RSA 639:2—Incest RSA 639:3—Endangering the Welfare of Child or Incompetent RSA 645:1, II or III—Indecent Exposure and Lewdness RSA 645:2—Prostitution and Related Offenses RSA 649-A:3—Child Pornography RSA 649-A:3-a—Possession of Child Sexual Abuse Images RSA 649-A:3-b—Possession of Child Sexual Abuse Images RSA 649-B:3—Computer Pornography and Child Exploitation Prevention RSA 649-B:4—Certain Uses of Computer Services Prohibited RSA 650:2—Obscene Matter Offenses RSA 318-B:2 Felony Level Possession of a Controlled Drug with Intent to Sell (within the last 10 years)
-excerpt from Criminal History Records Check SB 134 and SB 147 available on the NHED website along with other Criminal History Record Check Technical Advisories. Updated with 1/1/23 effective RSA 189:13-a, V
Criminal History Record Check Clearance Process
New Applicants as of 1/11/2023
All individuals who have not previously held a New Hampshire state board of education issued credential shall be considered first time applicants (Ed 505.08(h)).
Applications/Credentials: Statement of Eligibility, Beginning Educator License/Experienced Educator License (any pathway), Emergency Authorization, In Process of Licensure Authorization, Paraeducator, School Nurse, Educational Interpreter/Transliterator
Please follow the directions below to apply for your Criminal History Record Check Clearance at the same time you apply for your credential.
Criminal History Record Checks completed for employment purposes or enrollment in a program cannot be used to replace the NHED Criminal History Record Checks.
Credential applications shall not be considered complete until the department has received the criminal history/central registry records for evaluation.
Click on screenshots below to enlarge if needed.
Submit an application/fee to NH Department of Safety, Division of State Police, Central Repository for Criminal Records (NHDOS)
All questions about this part of the process (including fingerprinting) should be referred to NHDOS - Division of State Police - Criminal Records.
In NH, there are three types of locations offering fingerprinting (capturing fingerprint impressions by LiveScan is the preferred method as it is the most accurate way to capture fingerprint impressions):
AFIS/LiveScan Direct to Portal (fastest processing) - fingerprints are scanned and LiveScan tracking number provided directly to DOS
AFIS/LiveScan - fingerprints are scanned and a LiveScan tracking number is used for DOS to obtain the fingerprints, the applicant must mail the tracking number to DOS
Non-AFIS/LiveScan - fingerprints are manually obtained by ink and the applicant must mail the prints to DOS
Be sure to bring your photo ID.
You can make your appointment/submit the application/fee to the NHDOS using one of the options below:
Create a PDF front/back copy of your driver’s license/government issued ID and save this document to your device.
Create/Log into your myNHDOE account/Ed ID
From your EIS profile choose Online Applications and Test Evaluation Requests
Select the credential application type (do not select Apply for a Criminal History Record Check Clearance as your clearance will be included in your credential application). Issuance of a credential will be dependent on receiving clearance approval first.
Step 1: If you see the message below, you are a first-time applicant and your application requires a Criminal History Record Check Clearance. $100 payment for your Criminal History Record Check Clearance processing is due at the time of application. This is in addition to your licensure application fee and and fees you must submit to the Department of Safety.
Steps 2 through 4: verify your personal information including address, phone number, email, etc.
Step 5: carefully read and answer the application questions.
Step 6: upload required documents.
Select Choose File and select the document to upload. Then choose Document Type and Add File.
The status icons will turn to yellow once the required documents are uploaded, verify the Files to be imported, and select the required acknowledgement prior to moving on to the next step.
Step 7: completing the payment process.
Select Make Payment and you will be able to pay by debit/credit card (VISA/MasterCard only).
Step 8: the application is submitted.
You will receive confirmation on screen and via email.
Questions about this process/payment can be submitted at the NHED Credentialing Help Desk link at the bottom of this page.
NHED processes clearance application
The NHED will process your Criminal History Record Check Clearance application and await notification from NHDOS of the completion of your Criminal History Record Release Form processing.
Applicants will be notified via email of any missing information.
The NHED will review your Criminal History Record results for any convicted or pending disposition Section V violation offenses.
NHED notifies applicant of results
The NHED will either:
email confirmation of approval, or
email and mail a denial letter
NHED processes credential application
Once the Criminal History Record Check Clearance is approved, your credential application status will change to “Pending Review”. An evaluator will start the credential application review process.
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