Criminal History Record Check FAQ
Are my fingerprints taken for employment or professional licensure kept on file for future requests?
No, NH has no statutory authority to store fingerprint images. They are destroyed once the search is complete.
If my fingerprints were taken for employment purposes and I need to be fingerprinted again for the CHRC clearance process, can the results from the first check be shared with the second?
No, they were completed for two different purposes under two separate laws requiring the CHRC check and are not mutually compatible. A second submission is required.
How long are fingerprints valid for?
It depends on how you're fingerprinted. If you are fingerprinted on an AFIS machine, the prints are only valid for 30 days. If your printed on an ink card, the prints are valid for one year.
How long are my Criminal History Records valid for?
Once your records are released by the Department of Safety, they are only valid for 60 days before they must be destroyed.
I have been fingerprinted in the past. Why do I need to be fingerprinted again?
We require both a NH and FBI criminal history record check for the CHRC clearance process. The FBI CHRI database is strictly fingerprint image supported and fingerprints are needed to do a comparable search for a match with any existing criminal fingerprint impressions.
How long does it take to process my fingerprints and release my records?
The process time will vary depending on how you submit your fingerprints for processing.
I released my criminal history records to my school/employer not the Department of Education. How can I correct this?
You can verbally request they release your records to the Department of Education on the day of your fingerprint appointment. If you have already been fingerprinted, you will need to reach out to the Department of Safety (must be within 30 days of your fingerprint appointment) to request they make the change for you. Phone: (603) 223-3867 or email: