Fingerprinting outside of NH

Fingerprinting outside of NH


Fingerprinting is required by the NH Department of Safety (DoS) to complete a criminal history record check and have a report sent to our office. Below are the directions for fingerprinting if you are located outside New Hampshire.

Fingerprint Ink Cards

Step 1

Fingerprinting in a US state other than New Hampshire: You may use the fingerprint ink card available in your state.

Fingerprinting outside of the United States: Contact the NH DoS to obtain the correct fingerprint ink card. The NH DoS will not accept fingerprint ink cards from countries other than the United States.

NH Department of Safety (DoS)

Phone: (603) 223-3867

Email: criminalrecordunit@dos.nh.gov

Step 2

Contact your local fingerprinting location to complete the fingerprint ink cards.

Step 3

Mail the completed fingerprint ink card along with the DSSP 382 form/processing fee ($48.25) to the address on the form.

The DSSP 382 form is available at the following link:

First-Time Applicant


If you do not use an AFIS machine at a LiveScan location in New Hampshire, your process time for your DoS criminal record report will be increased by several weeks.


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