Competency Assessment Sheets
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Professional Education competency assessment sheets required for all endorsements if never fully licensed in any endorsement that required Professional Education in NH or another state. Not required for Educational Interpreter/Transliterator, School Counselor, School Psychologist, and School Social Worker.
Professional Education Administrator competency assessment sheets required for:
Curriculum Administrator (unless candidate already holds another Administrator endorsement)
Special Education Administrator (unless candidate already holds another Administrator endorsement)
Career and Technical Education Principal (unless candidate already holds another Administrator endorsement)
Curriculum Administrator, Special Education Administrator and Career and Technical Education Principal also require Professional Education competency assessment sheets (if not previously completed through prior endorsement).
School Counseling Director does not require Professional Education or Professional Education Administrator competency assessment sheets.
Science - General required for all science endorsements if candidate has never been fully licensed in NH in science.
Mathematics - General required for math endorsements if candidate has never been fully licensed in NH in mathematics.
CTE Specialty Area Site-Based Licensing Plans are only authorized with employment at a NH CTE Center.
Ed 505.05 (c) SOE credential holders shall be employed in a New Hampshire school in the role of the endorsement that allows them to learn and demonstrate the professional education standards enumerated in Ed 505.03, if applicable, and the endorsement requirements enumerated in Ed 506 through Ed 508.
Special Education Administrator Supplemental BOP Signature Page - Required for Special Education Administrator for candidates coordinating special education services at the school level or district/SAU level but not in the role of the SAU Special Education Administrator/Director.
Admin Rules have been renumbered. We appreciate your patience as we update all of our documents with these new numbers.