Demonstrated Competencies: Portfolio/Oral Board (DCPOB)

Demonstrated Competencies: Portfolio/Oral Board (DCPOB)

The Portfolio/Oral Board is a rigorous portfolio and oral examination process for candidates who have gained the necessary competencies, skills and knowledge required for licensure in a specific subject area and/or educator role (e.g., teacher, administrator, or specialist) through a means other than the completion of an approved educator preparation program. To qualify to receive portfolio materials a candidate shall hold a Bachelor’s degree, have met prerequisite BASA/testing requirements and degree/experience requirements as applicable, and shall have at least 4 months of full-time continuous educator experience in the area of endorsement for which licensure is being requested. Educator experience does not have to be acquired in a public school; experience in a private school is acceptable. However, the educator experience used to qualify to utilize this pathway must have been in a jurisdiction that is subject to US education and special education laws and regulations. Such jurisdictions include any US state, US territories, and DoDEA schools.


Available only between October 1 and March 30 of each school year. The review board is held at the Bureau of Credentialing office in-person only. Virtual Oral Board reviews are not available.

To apply through DCPOB the candidate must submit the following:

  • A completed application and fee. Only one endorsement may be pursued at a time.

  • Documentation of at least four (4) months of full-time continuous educator experience in the endorsement area/educator role for which you seek licensure. Verification should appear on school/agency letterhead signed by an authorized school or agency official.

  • “Experience” means full-time employment in a specific educator role, or equivalent to full-time, and does not include time in a role requiring a credential if the educator did not hold the required credential.

  • Some endorsements require additional degree, experience and other requirements for licensure.

  • Official college transcripts documenting attainment of the minimum required degree for the endorsement being pursued.

  • If you have determined that you are eligible for this pathway, please follow the Application Instructions.

  • Document submission instructions.

Once an application is complete, if it is determined that the candidate is eligible to pursue licensure through DCPOB:

  • The Bureau will send instructions for the completion and submission of a written portfolio which is to provide evidence of competence for each required licensure standard. The candidate is encouraged to submit a Help Desk request for assistance as the writing part of the process is rigorous; we want you to succeed and will do our best to help get you started.

Portfolio Submission:

  • The applicant will have 30 days to submit the completed portfolio and fee.

  • If you have already held a NH educator license, which is currently expired, there are additional steps needed to apply for a new endorsement. Please use the instructions to Obtain a New Endorsement with an Expired License.

  • Within 10 days you will be notified either:

    • your portfolio is complete and pending oral board scheduling, or

    • your portfolio is incomplete with more information about what is needed to submit within 30 days to make the portfolio complete.

  • If, after either the 30 day deadline for the portfolio submission or any additional materials, the documents are not received, the application will be permanently closed and the application/fee process will begin again should the applicant wish to pursue this pathway.


Upon approval of the portfolio submission:

  • The Bureau of Credentialing will schedule a review board for a half-day oral examination. The review board, selected by the Bureau, is comprised of four members, three of whom hold valid Experienced Educator Licenses in the endorsement area sought, and a representative of the Department of Education.

  • Criminal History Record Check Clearance (CHRC) now required for:

    • First-Time Applicants

    Criminal History Record Check Clearance Instructions

    • Variance in instructions for oral board candidates: Paper applications for the Criminal History Record Check will not be due until after the oral board is complete (the Bureau will send the paper application via email), however fingerprinting and Department of Safety forms should be done 4 weeks prior to scheduled oral board. Once records are released to the Bureau, we will advise the oral board candidate whether they are eligible for licensure through the oral board per RSA 189:13-a.

  • If, within 30 days of determination of a complete portfolio, in an effort to complete a timely oral board review, the department is unable to establish a review board as outlined above, the department shall establish a review board consisting of department staff or licensed educators.


The Oral Board:

The review board shall review the applicant’s application, including documentation that the applicant meets the required competencies in the area of endorsement and, at the oral board review, ask the applicant questions based upon the materials submitted.

Within 30 days of the oral board, the board will present a written recommendation to the Bureau of Credentialing regarding the granting of licensure. The applicant will be notified within 30 days of the recommendation.



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