Obtain a New Endorsement with an Expired License

Obtain a New Endorsement with an Expired License


Held a Beginning or Experienced Educator License in NH and let the license expire, but wish to obtain a new endorsement? Please follow the directions below.


Determine employment status/renewal requirements


Employment in the education field

  • public/charter/private

  • administrator, specialist, teacher, paraeducator

Have been employed in the education field since the expiration of your previous NH license

  • For Site-Based Licensing Plan (SBLP), uploaded Professional Development and Employment Verification documents are required when submitting the End of Plan.

  • For Portfolio/Oral Board (DCPOB), uploaded Professional Development and Employment Verification documents are required when submitting the portfolio.

Have not been employed in the education field for any length of time since the expiration of your previous NH license.

  • For Site-Based Licensing Plan (SBLP), renewals are required when submitting the End of Plan.

  • For Portfolio/Oral Board (DCPOB), renewals are required when submitting the portfolio.

How to determine when your previous NH Beginning Educator (BEL) or Experience Educator (EEL) License expired


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