Test Evaluation Request

Test Evaluation Request

Test evaluations are only available for students enrolling or enrolled in a NH approved educator preparation program that are not yet eligible to apply for licensure. All other applicants must submit test score reports with an application for evaluation.

All test evaluations must be submitted online following the directions below. Test evaluation forms are no longer accepted. You will be sent an email with the results of your test evaluation. The email and your test results can also be viewed in your myNHDOE/EIS/View Your Credentials/Emails and Tests sections.

If you already have a myNHDOE account and an Educator Information System (EIS) account, please log into myNHDOE/EIS/Educator and start at step 12.

If you already have a myNHDOE account, but do not have an Educator Information System (EIS) account, please log into myNHDOE and start at step 5.

If you do not have a myNHDOE account, start at step 1.


Report any error messages you encounter to our Help Desk and await further instructions. Do not attempt to make multiple accounts.


In your browser go to https://my.doe.nh.gov which is the required State of New Hampshire single sign-on portal to access a variety of State systems. Click on “Create an Account”

Fill in the required information and then click “Next”.

NOTE: If you use a work or school email address we strongly advise you to include a personal email address as an alternate.

Create a Username and Password. Record these in a secure location and never share your login credentials with another person. Provide information that can be used to recover account access should you forget your login credentials. Click “Next”.

You then come to the confirmation screen. Click Enter to finalize the Create User Account process.

This brings you to the myNHDOE Systems screen where you will see a “New Applicant” option for the Educator Information System (EIS). Click on the New Applicant link to enter EIS at this time.