Endorsement Comparability

Endorsement Comparability

The following table includes some of the most common endorsements NH has evaluated for comparability. This list does not include all states or endorsement types, and endorsements with a particular name in one state may not mean the same thing in another state. In addition, some states have updated names/requirements of endorsements and further evaluation may be needed. Please submit documentation from your state Department of Education if you have any concerns about whether your endorsement will be evaluated as comparable.

Endorsements that have been “tested into” without the corresponding approved educator preparation program or 3 out of the last 7 years’ experience under a full license are not comparable.

If you have determined your endorsement is not comparable to a NH endorsement, please review the other pathways to licensure to determine eligibility.




Comparability Comments



Comparability Comments

Any State


NH does not offer any micro-endorsements and microendorsements are not comparable to NH endorsements.

Any State

General Science (secondary level)

NH does not offer a secondary General Science endorsement. Please consider Science 5-8.

Any State

Special Education: Mild, Moderate, Severe

NH does not offer special education endorsements described as such. Please apply for Early Childhood Special Education (birth – grade 3) and/or Special Education Teacher (K-12). Upon issuance of one of these endorsements, you may pursue another pathway to licensure for our special education categorical endorsements.

Any State

Social Sciences/Humanities

NH does not offer broad Social Sciences/Humanities endorsements.


SEI (Structured English Immersion)

This is not comparable to the NH ESOL endorsement. Only the ESL is comparable.


ELAS Authorization

This is not comparable to the NH ESOL endorsement.


ESOL Endorsement

This is not comparable to the NH ESOL endorsement. Only the FL ESOL Certification is comparable.


ESOL Endorsement

This is not comparable to the NH ESOL endorsement. Only the GA ESOL (P-12) is comparable.


Learning Behavior Specialist I

Comparable to Special Education Teacher.


SEI (Sheltered English Immersion)

This is not comparable to the NH ESOL endorsement. Only the ESL/ELL is comparable.


School Social Worker/School Adjustment Counselor

This is comparable only to NH School Social Worker, not NH School Counselor.


Early Elementary

This is not comparable to either Early Childhood Education or Elementary Education.


Educational Technician I, II, III

This is similar to NH’s paraeducator endorsement, which is not available for reciprocity.


Intervention Specialist

This is comparable to Early Childhood Special Education (birth – grade 3) and/or Special Education Teacher (K-12), depending on grade level.


Bilingual Generalist - Any Language

This is not comparable to the NH ESOL endorsement.


English as a Second Language Supplemental

This is not comparable to the NH ESOL endorsement.


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