IHE Out of State Approved Educator Preparation Program Licensure Disclosure

IHE Out of State Approved Educator Preparation Program Licensure Disclosure


To assist with meeting federal rules regarding professional licensure disclosures, please see the information below regarding NH’s acceptance of out of state educator preparation programs.



Approved Educator Preparation Programs from outside of NH

For any state of the U.S., the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, a Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, the Department of Defense Education Activity, or any territory or possession of the U.S

An out-of-state professional educator preparation program may lead to New Hampshire licensure providing the program:

  • Is for an endorsement comparable in content and grade level to one issued by New Hampshire;

  • Is college- or university-based;

  • Is state-approved by the institution’s home state as a traditional (i.e., not alternative) program;

  • Includes a culminating field experience (internship or practicum) in the role of the endorsement;

  • Leads directly to institutional recommendation to the institution’s home state for issuance of a full professional license.


Additional Requirements for Licensure

The applicant must meet all New Hampshire

as applicable to the endorsement and either:

  • Apply for a New Hampshire educator license and endorsement within 3 years of the date of program completion, or

  • Have obtained full licensure in that state in the endorsement area providing that such endorsement has not been expired for more than 3 years from the date of application.


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