Credentialing Employment Guide

Credentialing Employment Guide

Admin Rules have been renumbered. We appreciate your patience as we update all of our documentation with these new numbers. Please note it may take some time for the Administrative Rules Chapter link below to reflect the changes. If you have difficulty finding the Administrative rule, please use your browser’s Find feature to search by rule name instead until the numbers are updated. You can also see changes for Ed 501 - 504 adoption.

Rule/Law Reference



NH Laws/Statutes: RSA Chapters 21-N:9,II(s); 186:8,II; 186:11,X; 189:39

The Administrative Rules require all staff be licensed if a license is required by the NH State Board of Education. Here is a list of roles that require licensure.

Ed 306.15 (e)  Pursuant to RSA 189:24, and in accordance with Ed 500 and Ed 600, the local school board shall require that each professional staff member is certified for assignment by the department.

The rules also provide for a pathway to licensure that authorizes employment before licensure while working on licensure requirements.

In addition, there are rules that specifically authorize employment in limited circumstances (see options below).

Ed 503.02  Sanctions for Teaching Without a Valid Credential

(a)  The board shall revoke the credential of a superintendent who knowingly employs or continues the active employment of an educator who does not hold a valid New Hampshire credential provided the board determines that the superintendent took such action knowingly based on findings of fact or conclusions of law established in accordance with due process rights in Ed 200.

(b)  All fair hearings and notice provisions of Ed 511 shall be met prior to revocation of the superintendent's credential.

 (c)  The superintendent shall remove an individual who knowingly continues employment after the expiration of a New Hampshire credential until such time as the educator obtains a New Hampshire credential pursuant to these rules.

 (d)  This section shall not apply to any teacher who has filed a timely application for credential renewal pursuant to Ed 509.

Statement of Eligibility


Site-Based Licensing Plan


Ed 505.06

  • For candidates that are not yet eligible for full licensure, but a NH employer would like to hire/change assignment and support the candidate in the licensure process in the endorsement of hire/change in assignment. The SOE authorizes hire/change in assignment only. An Intern Authorization is needed for continued employment in the SOE endorsement role and obtained by having the candidate work with a mentor and submit a Beginning of Plan to the NH Senior Educational Official to submit to the Bureau of Credentialing.

  • SOE’s are often not appropriate for long-term subs (more than 20 consecutive days/less than 1 year) or 1 year positions as the process is time/effort intensive and a plan will likely not be able to be completed during a long-term sub/1 year position.

  • Critical Shortage List

  • Local Critical Shortage Requirements

Typical examples (as long as the candidate meets the requirements for the SOE for the role):

  • candidate with a Bachelor’s in History wants to become a Social Studies teacher

  • already licensed educator wants to add a new endorsement

  • candidate is enrolled in an NH approved licensure program but is not near graduation (must already hold a conferred Bachelor’s degree)

  • candidate that is not eligible for full licensure for a critical shortage area

  • candidate assigned with a minor assignment that wants to pursue the additional licensure

In Process of Licensure Authorization


Ed 504.05

  • For candidates that have applied/paid for full licensure, are eligible for full licensure, but need to complete testing requirements to have a license issued.

  • NH Testing requirements

Typical examples:

  • candidate is eligible for reciprocity from out of state, but has not taken/passed Foundations of Reading

  • candidate is a graduate of a NH approved licensure program, has been recommended for licensure, but has not finished testing requirements

One-Year Certificate of Eligibility



Administrative Rule Ed 504.04 – Emergency Authorization was repealed by the State Board of Education as of July 12, 2024. This repeal removes the responsibility of issuing One-Year Certificates of Eligibility from the Department of Education’s Bureau of Credentialing and transfers that responsibility to the local school district.

For candidates that are not eligible for licensure and an SOE is not appropriate/available.

Typical examples:

  • long-term subs (more than 20 consecutive days/less than 1 year) that are not eligible for an IPLA

  • candidates that have an expired license in the endorsement for hire, but do not have sufficient professional development yet to renew

Please use the link in the left column for processing instructions for a One-Year Certificate of Eligibility.

Minor Assignments



Ed 503.01 effective 11/16/2024

Technical Advisory

(d) A superintendent or senior educational official shall determine whether a teacher or administrator has sufficient knowledge in a content area to teach a minor assignment, so long as the minor assignment adheres to the following:

(1) The total of all minor assignments shall be less than 50 percent of the individual’s weekly instructional and administrator responsibilities;

(2) Minor assignments shall be reviewed by the superintendent on an annual basis to ensure that the individual has the appropriate level of content knowledge;

(3) No teacher or administrator shall be assigned to a minor assignment role that requires a degree level the individual does not currently hold; and

(4) Only an educator holding a current and valid administrator or teacher endorsement shall be given a minor assignment in a teacher role.

(e) No teacher or administrator shall be assigned an unlicensed minor assignment in the following:

(1) Any licensed special education role; and

(2) Any licensed English for speakers of other languages (ESOL) education role.

Content knowledge of an educator may be assessed using methods such as, but not limited to:

  • Subject/content area tests such as the Praxis II

  • Transcript evaluation

  • Evidence based assessment of content knowledge under Ed 506, 507, 508 (licensure rules)

Typical examples:

  • a licensed Chemistry teacher assigned a section of Physics

  • a licensed PE teacher assigned a section of Health

“Short-term Substitutes”



Ed 503.01  Requirement for Employment  (b) A non-credentialed substitute teacher or school nurse may be hired for up to 20 consecutive days in the same position without holding a New Hampshire educator credential issued by the state board, after which time the individual shall be required to hold a credential or a one-year certificate of eligibility pursuant to RSA 189:39-b.

Technical Advisory

Typical examples:

  • daily sub for different teachers on different days

  • vacation sub

“Long-term Substitutes”

Per Ed 503.01 and Ed 306.15 (e) referenced above, any staff member in a role that requires licensure for more than 20 consecutive days must hold full licensure, be working on a plan for full licensure via a Site-Based Licensing Plan, or issued an IPLA or on a One-Year Certificate of Eligibility, for that role.

Typical examples:

  • maternity leave

  • sick leave

  • leave of absence

  • unexpected vacancy


Paraeducator licensure is optional and determined at the local level.

Become a ParaPro test center site.

Expedited Application Review

NH employers may request an application review be expedited for those candidates that have submitted an application/fee/supporting documentation and are potential hires/changes in assignment. Please submit expedite requests through our Help Desk and include the candidate’s name and potential assignment, along with Ed ID if known.

Special Education/Title I/Title III (ESOL)

Please note: the above are NH credentialing requirements only. Federal law for Special Education, Title I, and Title III (ESOL) may impose additional requirements. Please contact your NHED federal program staff member for further assistance.

Special Education

Title I

Title III

Other Non-Credentialed Roles

Other staff/assignments that are entered in the Educator Information System (EIS) that do not require licensure would be entered in the submission course as “Other Non-Credentialed Role” and specific information can be placed in the local class fields. Please note, experience in an “Other Non-Credentialed Role” does not meet the experience requirement for any of the endorsements that require educator experience.


Our office is here to assist you with ensuring your new hires and changes in assignment meet credentialing requirements. Please submit any questions through our Help Desk and include the candidate’s name and potential assignment including grade level, along with Ed ID if known.



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