Paraeducator I and II Application Requirements

Paraeducator I and II Application Requirements


  • Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) updated with No Child Left Behind (NCLB) legislation.

  • In response to the new requirements in NCLB, as well as Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) legislation, the NH State Board of Education replaced the single voluntary Paraprofessional license and developed two categories of licensure, each with its own set requirements: Paraeducator I and Paraeducator II (instructional support). While many paraprofessionals had worked in the education field for numerous years, due to the changes in both federal and state education regulations, the state was not able to grandfather paraprofessionals for voluntary licensure.


  • Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) replaces NCLB.

  • ESSA did not change the requirements for instructional support (Paraeducator II) in Title programs.

Current: Paraeducator licensure remains voluntary. It is a local decision if Paraeducator licensing from the Bureau of Credentialing is required for staff.

  • If an employer does require Paraeducator licensure, the Bureau of Credentialing documents/determines if a candidate meets the requirements and an employer only needs to provide documentation of the license for Title monitoring.

  • If an employer does not require Paraeducator licensure, the employer documents/determines if a candidate meets the requirements and the employer must provide this documentation for Title monitoring.

  • Title I resources: NHED Title I website and NHED Title I Para Guidance

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Paraeducator I - Candidate Responsibilities for INITIAL licensure.
Application Instructions
Fee Schedule
Documentation Upload : Documentation of High School transcript, Diploma or GED/HiSET

Paraeducator II (instructional support) - Candidate Responsibilities for INITIAL licensure.
Application Instructions
Fee Schedule
Documentation Upload :

  • Associate’s or Bachelor’s degree conferred OR a minimum of 48 college credits (official transcript required in both cases)


  • Documentation of High School transcript, Diploma or GED/HiSET



  • Assessment of Candidate’s Strengths and Professional Development Needs Para II portfolio. All competencies must be checked as met with evidence indicated in the assessment column. Activities used as evidence must be at the college level.

  • All documentation of evidence indicating how all competencies have been met.

  • Please submit a Help Desk request for more information about the Para II portfolio option.






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