Duplicate LASID in Batch

Duplicate LASID in Batch

Error Message

"Duplicate LASID in batch"

What Does it Mean

More than one record in your SASID Request submission uses the same LASID (locally assigned student ID).


Every student assigned a SASID through your district must have a unique LASID. If there are any duplicated LASIDs in your SASID Request, these will need to be corrected so that there are no duplicates and each student has a unique LASID. The easiest way to identify duplicates is to use conditional formatting in the originating Excel or CSV file to highlight duplicate values in the LASID field.

Once a LASID has been used to assign a SASID, the state no longer uses the LASID information. However, LASIDs may be used locally for student identification in addition to, or in place of, the SASID.  Districts may not reuse LASIDs.

Each district is different in how it identifies and assigns LASIDs. If you have questions about your district's LASIDs, check with your school or district registrar or other staff responsible for individual student data.
