Beginning of Plan (BOP) Revision

Beginning of Plan (BOP) Revision

What is a revision?

A revision is a change requested by the Bureau of Credentialing to a submitted Beginning of Plan document before an Intern Authorization (IA) is issued. The purpose of a revision is to ensure a candidate’s plan complies with administrative rules and is comparable to the rigor of a NH approved educator preparation program.

In contrast, an amendment is a change to a Beginning of Plan Individualized Professional Development Plan (BOP IPDP) that has already been approved by a Senior Educational Official and the NHDOE Bureau of Credentialing. The candidate would already have an IA issued.

Why may a revision be needed?

Below are some examples of when a revision to a BOP may be requested:

  • Incomplete submissions - missing any of the following:

    • Signature Page missing or incomplete

    • IPDP missing or incomplete (testing, degree requirements, experience under Intern Authorization)

      • for licensure program enrollees: acceptance letter missing or does not state program leads to licensure

    • Competency Assessment Sheets Missing (as required)

      • Professional Education

      • Science General

      • Mathematics General

      • CTE Teacher

    • Supporting Documentation

      • official transcripts and/or test score reports have not been uploaded by candidate to EIS account

      • professional development certificates have not been included

      • course descriptions have not been included

  • Signature Page

    • mentor must hold an Experienced Educator License in the endorsement area of the plan

  • IPDP

    • activities must be the equivalent to college coursework

    • must list specifics about activities, not general information (for example, title of book/author instead of “read literature on topic”, name/date of workshop instead of “attend workshop on topic”)

    • if all competencies have been met, a statement must be included that candidate will be employed and working with the mentor under an Intern Authorization for the equivalent of at least one full-time school year and deemed successful as an Intern

  • Competency Assessment Sheets

    • lesson plans, personal statements or years of experience cannot be used to meet competencies

  • Supporting Documentation

    • official transcripts do not have degree conferred

How is a revision completed?

A revision is discussed between the candidate, mentor, and if necessary the SAU Site-Based Licensing Plan coordinator and/or Senior Educational Official. Once a revision is agreed upon, the candidate will submit the following to the Senior Educational Official:

  • Newly signed Beginning of Plan signature page (by candidate, mentor, and Senior Educational Official)

  • Complete BOP (signature page, IPDP, competency sheets, supporting documentation)

  • All requested items on the revision request email must be addressed by the new plan.

  • If a revision request requires test score reports and/or official transcripts, these can be uploaded by the candidate into the EIS documents section of the candidate’s account in addition to the employer uploading the BOP revision.

How is a revision submitted to the Bureau of Credentialing?

  • Ed 505.09 (f)(4) Within 180 days of the first day of employment pursuant to Ed 505.05(c), the SOE credential holder shall be credentialed under an intern authorization following the procedures outlined in (5) through (23).

  • If a BOP is not submitted and approved within 180 days from the first day of employment in the role requiring a SBLP, the candidate will no longer be eligible to participate in a SBLP and revisions will no longer be accepted.

  • Within 15 days of receipt of the notification of a revision request the revised plan must be submitted by you and your employer (or you will need to begin the BOP Submission process again with a new application/fee).

BOP revision submission PDF files must be less than 15 MB. We suggest scanning black and white, at 300 dpi resolution. If the document is already a PDF and you can use Adobe Acrobat Pro, you can reduce the PDF size - Menu/Save as other/Reduce size PDF:


The following roles in EIS are able to upload plan revisions: Superintendent, Superintendent Designee, Charter School Administrator, Non-Public School Administrator. Revisions uploaded by candidates into their own document accounts in EIS will not be reviewed.

EIS Status Updates

How will I know a revision has been approved by the Bureau of Credentialing?

The candidate will be issued an Intern Authorization.


Additional Questions?

Submit a Help Desk request.




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