One-Year Certificate of Eligibility

One-Year Certificate of Eligibility

Administrative Rule Ed 504.04 – Emergency Authorization was repealed by the State Board of Education as of July 12, 2024. This repeal removes the responsibility of issuing One-Year Certificates of Eligibility from the Department of Education’s Bureau of Credentialing and transfers that responsibility to the local school district.


General Information

RSA reference/requirements

Section 189:39-b One-Year Certificate of

The Statute does state that the Department of Education “shall be notified of the issuance of all Certificates of Eligibility within 30 days of the date of issuance”.

Pre-Hire process

Inform the Bureau of Credentialing that you are interested in hiring an individual on a One-Year
Certificate of Eligibility

Please note that Special Education Teacher positions and Title I positions are NOT ELIGIBLE for the One-Year Certificate of Eligibility. Hiring an individual through this certificate would be in violation of federal IDEA law.

  1. Submit a Help Desk request. Use option “I represent a NH school employer/One-Year Certificate of Eligibility”.

  2. Provide the Name and Educator ID of the individual you want to hire under a One-Year Certificate of Eligibility.

  3. If the individual does not yet have an Educator ID, please have the individual create an EIS account to obtain an Educator ID before you submit your request.

  4. Make note of the Help Desk request number, as this same request will be used in later steps. Please submit one Help Desk request per each individual (do not list multiple individuals on the same request).

Confirmation that the individual is eligible

  1. The Bureau will check its records and verify that the individual has not previously held a “One-Year Certificate of Eligibility” (formerly called Emergency Authorization/PTE). Previously holding a One-Year Certificate of Eligibility would make the individual ineligible.

  2. The Bureau will also check for the following requirement:
    IV. Any person who has had an educator credential, educator license, or other educator certification revoked under RSA 189:14-c or RSA 189:14-d, or who has been rendered ineligible to be employed as an educator under another provision of law, shall not be eligible under this section.

  3. The Bureau will respond to your ticket as to whether the individual is eligible or ineligible.

Employer confirms individual meets the requirements for the One-Year Certificate of Eligibility

I. The local school board, in consultation with the superintendent, may offer a one-time certificate of eligibility, for a one-year period which may be extended by the local school board for a second consecutive year, to any person interested in employment as an educator on a full-time or part-time basis, without requiring a person to possess an educator credential provided that such person:

(a) Possesses at least a bachelor's degree from an accredited postsecondary institution.
(b) Is subject to a criminal history records check pursuant to RSA 189:13-a.
(c) Is qualified for the position by relevant experience and education.

I-a. The provision of subparagraph I(a) shall not apply to an individual applying to teach a course in a CTE specialty area.

CTE specialty area endorsement list

Post-Hire process

Documentation Submission

Help Desk request follow-up

Respond to the Help Desk ticket that you had previously created indicating you have hired the individual on a One-Year Certificate of Eligibility (within 30 days of issuance).

To extend a current One-Year Certificate of Eligibility

  1. Submit a new Help Desk request. Use option “I represent a NH school employer/One-Year Certificate of Eligibility”.

  2. Provide the Name and Educator ID of the individual you want to extend employment for a second consecutive year under a One-Year Certificate of Eligibility.

  3. Please make note that this is an extension in the Summary field of the Help Desk request submission.

Credentialing Help Desk Requests

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