EIS: Checking Credentials/Status


Employers have access to some basic information about an applicant’s in-progress and current credentials. As anyone that creates a myNHDOE/EIS account is given an Ed ID and educator account, the term educator is used below. This does not mean that everyone with an Ed ID/educator account is a credentialed educator.


Viewing Educator Accounts

Access the educator’s account

  • Log in to myNHDOE and select the appropriate user role.

  • From your EIS Home screen, use the black Search tab at the top of the screen to locate the educator.

  • If Ed ID is known, use this. An applicant that has created a myNHDOE/EIS account should be able to provide this number to your from their myNHDOE/EIS profile. This is the best way to ensure you are looking at the correct educator’s account.

  • Search with only one metric at a time: name or DOB is usually best, to avoid missing someone if there is an error in one or the other.

  • Name Search: use as few letters in last, first name as possible to avoid instances where the educator is using a nickname, hyphenated name, or there may be a spelling error. Example: Michael search as Mi to account for Michael and Mike.

  • SSN: do not use this as a definitive search, as some educators submit paper applicants and don’t provide a SSN - the system assigns a random number.

  • Address/City/Zip/Phone/Email: Please note an educator may have an old address, phone or email in their account which may be different than what is supplied on a current job application.

  • Confirm ID: When you think you have found the correct person if not using Ed ID, on the search results page confirm DOB and/or last four of SSN. You will not have access to see this information in the profile after you click View.


  • select View in the search results


Review the Credentials and Endorsements

  • Clicking on the View link will take you directly to the Credentials screen.

  • This screen will show you any currently Issued credentials/endorsements.

  • You will not see any expired credentials/endorsements.

  • You may see credentials/endorsements with a status other than issued. For these credentials/endorsements, please submit a Help Desk request for more information if this is the credential/endorsement required for the position.


  • Select - if more than one type of credential is listed, click the select link in the row of the credential for which you wish to see the endorsements.

  • Credential

  • BEL - Beginning Educator License

  • EEL - Experienced Educator License

  • PRO - Professional License (no longer offered, no expiration)

  • SN1, SN2, SN3 - School Nurse

  • PE1, PE2 - Paraeducator

  • EITC (Educational Interpreter/Transliterator)

  • SOE - Statement of Eligibility

  • INT - Intern Authorization (formerly INT4, INT5, INTA, INTERN)

  • EA - Emergency Authorization (formerly PTE)

  • IPLA - In Process of Licensure Authorization

  • Status

    • Issued (this is a valid credential)

    • Unissued (this is not a valid credential)

    • Admitted Student (enrolled in a licensure program)

    • Completed Program (recommended for licensure, but has not yet applied, candidate must apply before an expedite request can be submitted)

    • Awaiting Applicant Response, Incomplete Application, Pending Review, Requirements Not Met (In Progress or Expired Applications - please submit a Help Desk request for more information if this is the credential/endorsement required for the position.

    • Deleted/Removed, Duplicate Endorsement (used when an applicant switches pathways)

    • Conduct (Revoked, Suspended, Surrendered)

  • Orig Issue (the date the credential was first issued)

  • Issued (the date the credential was most recently issued)

  • Effective (this date should be the same as the issued date, except for Intern Authorizations which may be retroactively effective to hire date)

  • Expires (the date the credential expires)


  • Source (this is the pathway the endorsement was applied for or issued through)

    • AEPPNH (formerly Alt1)

    • AEPPOS (Out of State Program - formerly Alt2)

    • SBLP (SOE - formerly Alt4/5)

      • CLGCRS (10 College Courses)

      • CTESA (CTE Specialty Area)

      • EEECE (Elementary/Early Childhood Education)

      • EEK8 (Elementary Education K-8)

      • NEWEND (New Endorsement)

      • NOPATH (No Other Available Pathway)

      • SHORT (Critical Shortage)

    • DCEX (Out of State Experience - formerly Alt2)

    • DCNR (National/Regional - formerly Alt3B)

    • DCPOB (Portfolio/Oral Board - formerly Alt3A)

    • DCTA (Transcript Analysis - formerly Alt3C)

  • Status

    • Issued (this is a valid credential)

    • Unissued (this is not a valid credential)

    • Admitted Student (enrolled in a licensure program)

    • Completed Program (recommended for licensure, but has not yet applied, candidate must apply before an expedite request can be submitted)

    • Awaiting Applicant Response, Incomplete Application, Pending Review, Requirements Not Met (In Progress or Expired Applications - please submit a Help Desk request for more information if this is the credential/endorsement required for the position.

    • Deleted/Removed, Duplicate Endorsement (used when an applicant switches pathways)

    • Conduct (Revoked, Suspended, Surrendered)

  • Orig Issue (the date the endorsement was first issued)

  • Issued (the date the endorsement was most recently issued)

  • Effective (this date should be the same as the issued date, except for Intern Authorization endorsements which may be retroactively effective to hire date)

  • Expires (the date the endorsement expires)

    • this date should match the date the license expires, regardless of when during the renewal cycle the endorsement was issued if on a BEL/EEL

    • please note there are SOE endorsements that have dates of expiration long into the future - this was a work-around in the past as SOE’s formerly did not have expiration dates and lasted an educator’s lifetime. Since the 10/2020 rule adoption, SOE’s are only valid for 3 years from issuance. The expirations dates and statuses of SOE’s issued prior to 10/2020 have not yet been updated in EIS to reflect these rules. To calculate if an SOE endorsement is still valid, add three years to the SOE endorsement issued date.


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