Race Code is Invalid

Race Code is Invalid

Error Message

"Race code is invalid"

What Does it Mean

The code entered in the Race field for the student does not match any of the codes accepted by the NHDOE.


There are many different race codes that may be entered in the Race field, increasing the likelihood of typos. A list of valid Race codes may be found at https://my.doe.nh.gov/Profiles/PublicReports/PublicReports.aspx?ReportName=RaceCodes.

You may also locate the appropriate race code for a particular student by using the Race Ethnicity Lookup feature in i4see, found under the STUDENTS tab. Select the appropriate racial checkboxes, including the radio button related to the student's Hispanic ethnicity, then press the "Generate Code" button. This will provide the code for the specific race and ethnicity combination you entered.


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