i4see Help Desk
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Troubleshooting articles
How-to articles
Unexpected School Closings (Snow Days) vs. Average Daily Membership (ADM)
Parent Military Status Indicator
Duplicate student is within the same batch
District ID is not valid
Grade Must be a Valid Grade
Grade Must Be a Valid Grade for the School
Homeless Code Must Be Valid
If enrollment status = 5, then the school number must be 15010, 15020, 15030 or 15040 (out of state)
If enrollment status = 6, then the school number must represent a non public school
Exit code is required if an exit date has been entered & it must be empty if no exit date exists
Exit date must be on or after School Annual Data Opening Date
Exit date must be on or before School Annual Data Closing Date
ExitCode is Invalid
Entry Code Must Be a Valid Entry Code
Submission Course FAQ
Split Tuition
Enrollment Status for Out of District Placement Students
i4see Local System Administrators
High School Equivalency
Change a Student's Grade Level During the School Year
The number of days between the entry and exit date must be greater than 1/2 the number of half days in attendance plus half days absent plus 2
Original graduation year must be within a valid year range (+3 to -6 of current year's submission).
Original graduation year must not be empty and must be valid year if grade is greater than 8, otherwise must be empty
Enrollment Status MUST NOT be 7
If Diploma Type =4 then AGE at EXIT DATE MUST BE > 16
If district responsible = 930 and town responsible = 990, then enrollment status = 2 or 11 (foreign exchange)
If FullDayPct is < 100, then HalfDaysinAttendance + HalfDaysAbsent must not exceed Half Days in Session times FullDayPct divided by 100
Student’s Grade Level has Changed since the BOY. Please exit the student...
Overnight Updates
invalid column length from the bcp client for colid error
Foreign Exchange Students
NOT I4see validated - NHSEIS
Updating Student Demographic Data in i4see (Name, Date of Birth, Town of Birth, etc)
A12B Class and Staffing Form
A12F Teacher Attainment and Average Salary Instructions
Beginning of Year (BOY) Anomaly Reports
Free and Reduced (F&R) Submission - Beginning of Year
Enrollment Status 7: What is it?
FAQ: When submitting files to i4see, do we create columns for only the elements that are required for each submission, or do we need to create columns for ALL the elements in the submission?
FAQ: If we have students in nonpublic out-of-District placements, does the nonpublic school request the SASID or do we?
FAQ: What school code do I use when requesting a SASID for a student who is not attending a New Hampshire public school?
FAQ: If a student transfers to my school with a student ID number from another state, do I need to request a SASID for that student?
FAQ: In the SASID Request data element "Town of Birth", should I put in both the town and the state?
FAQ: When SASIDs are assigned, is there any meaning to the number? Can I figure out a student's gender, address, etc, by analyzing the number?
FAQ: I use an Apple computer or iOS enabled device. Do I need to do anything special to save a CSV file for a submission to the i4see workbench?
FAQ: Do we need to keep track of the SASIDs of students who are no longer enrolled in our district?
FAQ: If a student lives in a Residential Home that is not in the list of Residential Homes found in the Data Dictionary, what do I do?
FAQ: The BOY file is supposed to be as of October 1. Should I cut out students that enroll after October 1, or should I include everyone I have?
FAQ: In the EOY Academic, do we include only those students in targeted schools that have participated in a Title I program, or do you want records for all students?
FAQ: If a district uploads a file more than once, will each succeeding upload replace the earlier ones?
FAQ: To whom may I release the SASID?
FAQ: How do we report students who left the district over the summer?
FAQ: If a student is in a nonpublic, out-of-district placement, do they need a SASID?
FAQ: Are students placed or tuitioned out-of-district reported in the BOY, MOY, and EOY Enrollment submissions?
FAQ: Does the State need to know if a LASID changes?
FAQ: Is the original grad year field only for high school students?
FAQ: Do I need to request a SASID for foreign exchange students?
FAQ: Should districts retain copies of the .CSV files they upload to i4see?
FAQ: How do I update a student's name, date of birth, and other demographic information in i4see after the initial SASID request?
FAQ: Should a student's SASID number be treated as confidential?
FAQ: If my school is not a Targeted Title I school do I have to submit an EOY Academic report?
FAQ: At what point can we delete summer withdrawals from our register?
FAQ: When a student is absent for a religious holiday, should s/he be marked absent?
FAQ: What is a JMA?
FAQ: I have a student that has been promoted a grade mid-year. Do I need to withdraw and re-enter this student to account for this change in grade?
FAQ: When do we use the Real Time Entry/Withdrawal screen for High School Students?
FAQ: Can I release a SASID number to another school or district?
FAQ: How long does the NH Department of Education keep student information on file?
FAQ: For the EOY Academic reporting for Title I, should students be counted if they received services in the Fall but are no longer receiving services?
School Board Data Collection
Teacher Salary Schedule Data Collection
Home School Students: What to Do?
Grade 15: Post-Graduate
School Annual Calendar Instructions
School Annual Data Instructions
School Annual Calendar Video Tutorials
i4see ESOL Overview
Nonpublic Restraint and Seclusion Data Collection
Industry Recognized Credentials: What They Are
ESOL Student Status Anomalies
(A12G) SAU and School Contact Collection Instructions
ACCESS Exit Criteria
(A12C) General Fall Report of Nonpublic Schools
Country Codes
i4see: ESOL User Roles
SAU/District/School and Staff Updates
New Hampshire Cohort Graduation Rate Policy and Technical Manual
School Safety Data Collection
myNHDOE Overview - Local Security Administrator
myNHDOE - DO’S AND DON’TS - Local Security Administrator
Updates to the Certified 2023 Beginning of Year (BOY) and End of Year (EOY) Submission Verification Form
A12D General Fall Report - Central Office Personnel as of October 1
A12E General Fall Report District Level Home Schooled Count
Education Freedom Accounts
FAQ: How do I District or Superintendent certify for BOY/EOY?
BOY students not found in EOYs
Multiple Active EOY Records (Duplicates)
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i4see Help Desk
Enrollment Status for Out of District Placement Students
Enrollment Status for Out of District Placement Students
Kristi Chew
Owned by
Kristi Chew
Last updated:
Jan 07, 2019
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