School Annual Data Instructions

School Annual Data Instructions

This section will allow you to edit your schools information for the selected school year.  For schoolyear 2019-2020, there are a few changes to this screen.

  •  This screen will no longer show Opening / Closing Dates.  These dates will be calculated from the Calendar section.

  • This screen will no longer show Principal Salary information.

  • This screen will now request you to choose whether the school wants to calculate their membership based off “HalfDays” or “Hours” (Calendar Type, see below).


Please review the below items to become familiar with the fields/controls on the screen.

  1. Calendar Type (Days or Hours)

  2. FT Kindergarten (Select if school has Kindergarten and offers Fulltime Kindergarten)

  3. Calendar button (Brings you to the School Calendar for the specific school selected)


 Principal’s Educator ID:

  • Enter the EDUCATOR-ID of the Principal or chief school administrator if that person is a full-time principal for this school.

  • If two people share equal responsibilities, (co-principals) pick one as the primary.

  • Include interim, temporary, or "acting" principals.

  • If position is vacant, enter an EducatorId of 'Vacant'

  • After you enter the Educator ID and save or move off this column, the Principal's name will be shown.

  • A numeric or blank or 'Vacant' entry is required here. (DO NOT ENTER NAMES)

Principal’s Email:

  • Enter the principal’s primary business email address.

  • This should be a school or district email, not a home or personal email address.

  • If position is vacant, leave the Email BLANK or use an active shared email address.

Maximum GPA:

  • Maximum of the GPA range for this high school

Credits Needed To Graduate:

  • Minimum number of credits high school students must earn to receive a regular diploma.


 Grade & Title I Updates:

These fields are not updateable and need DOE Approval/Review.  Please contact the I4See HelpDesk by submitting a ticket here


If you have any additional questions or concerns, please contact the I4See HelpDesk

Thank you!

NH Department of Education



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