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AAdditional ContactsWhere can you find further assistance? While your particular inquiry is not under the purview of the Bureau of Credentialing, we can direct you to the best contact for assistance. Years of Service/Retirement Confirm your years of service for NH retirement
Application Instructions
Electronic application decreases processing time compared to paper applications. Please only submit a paper application if instructed to by our office. Submit Application and Pay Fee Login or create an account at myNHDOE to submit your application and fee
Application Processing Information
Check the status of your application. General Information In most cases, your application will be reviewed in the order in which it is received in the queue. Applications submitted via paper/check may take an additional 4-6 weeks to process to the queue f
Apply for an Intern Authorization
Intern Authorization Once your Beginning of Plan has been uploaded by your employer into the Educator Information System (EIS), you will receive an email notifying you of the 5 day deadline to submit an Intern Authorization application/fee. If you do not
BBasic Academic Skills Assessment (BASA) and Subject Area Testing InformationAdvanced degrees do not meet the BASA or Subject Area Testing requirements. Test comparability determination is made by the Bureau of Credentialing. NH’s Administrative rules do not provide a pathway to certification that only requires testing. In additio
Beginning of Plan (BOP) Amendment
What is an amendment? An amendment is a change to a Beginning of Plan Individualized Professional Development Plan (BOP IPDP) that has already been approved by a Senior Educational Official and the NHDOE Bureau of Credentialing. The candidate would alrea
Beginning of Plan (BOP) Revision
What is a revision? A revision is a change requested by the Bureau of Credentialing to a submitted Beginning of Plan document before an Intern Authorization (IA) is issued. The purpose of a revision is to ensure a candidate’s plan complies with administra
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CChange your name on your credential or in EISInstructions You can edit your profile information (including address/contact info) at any time in your EIS account. When you log into myNHDOE/EIS/Educator/View Your Credentials, you can use the link under your profile information (blue/green/yellow boxes
Competency Assessment Sheets
Download file to enable editing and saving. Professional Education competency assessment sheets required for all endorsements if never fully licensed in any endorsement that required Professional Education in NH or another state. Not required for Educatio
Complete an Approved Educator Preparation Program
Approved Program located in NH: Select the endorsement(s) you wish to obtain. Endorsements Available and Requirements Use the following link to find an approved program available in NH and contact information. https://www.education.nh.gov/who-we-are/divis
Contact Us
Credentialing Help Desk https://nhdoepm.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/6 Mailing Address for USPS and carrier deliveries (FedEx, UPS, etc): New Hampshire Department of Education Bureau of Credentialing 25 Hall Street, 3rd Floor | Concord, NH |
Create a Help Desk Account
Why create an account? Creating an account allows you to easily: track all of your NHDOE Help Desk tickets in one place. check the status of pending tickets. reply to comments from support staff. refer back to closed tickets at a later date. search all th
Credentialing Data Submission FAQ
Skip to Additional Resources #Additional-Resources When does EIS offer the option of entries for the next school year? EIS is typically updated after 7/1 (usually between 7/1 and 7/15, but dates may vary slightly due to system update scheduling). Is there
Credentialing Employment Guide
Admin Rules have been renumbered. We appreciate your patience as we update all of our documentation with these new numbers. Please note it may take some time for the Administrative Rules Chapter link below to reflect the changes. If you have difficulty fi
Credentialing Help Desk Knowledge Base
Welcome! In our continuing efforts to provide accurate and timely customer service, the Bureau of Credentialing is excited to introduce our new Knowledge Base. All of the information previously linked on our website is located within the Knowledge Base, w
Criminal History Record Check Clearance
School Bus Driver Professional Educator Preparation Program (PEPP) Candidate First-Time Applicant Credentialing Help Desk Requests We’re here to assist! Create an Account https://nhdoepm.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CHD/pages/264372225 Submit and track all o
Criminal History Record Check FAQ
Are my fingerprints taken for employment or professional licensure kept on file for future requests? No, NH has no statutory authority to store fingerprint images. They are destroyed once the search is complete. If my fingerprints were taken for employmen
Critical Shortage List
TO: Superintendents and Other Interested Parties FROM: Credentialing DATE: 8/15/2023 SUBJECT: CRITICAL SHORTAGE LIST (effective 9/1/2023 until replaced by a new list) The Department of Education has completed an analysis of the teacher supply and demand i
DDemonstrated Competencies: National/Regional Licensure (DCNR)Be sure your endorsement matches one of NH’s available endorsements and you have met testing requirements. Endorsements Available and Requirements Basic Academic Skills Assessment (BASA) and Subject Area Testing Information Criminal History Record Check C
Demonstrated Competencies: Portfolio/Oral Board (DCPOB)
The Portfolio/Oral Board is a rigorous portfolio and oral examination process for candidates who have gained the necessary competencies, skills and knowledge required for licensure in a specific subject area and/or educator role (e.g., teacher, administra
Demonstrated Competencies: Transcript Analysis (DCTA)
Only Administrator endorsements are available through transcript analysis: The Demonstrated Competencies: Transcript Analysis (DCTA) pathway requires that ALL licensure standards (i.e., competencies) have been met through formal coursework documented on o
DOE Renewal
A new course, NHED Educator License Renewal https://nhdoe.instructure.com/courses/128 , is now available on the NHED Canvas portal. The course is open, self-paced, and designed to assist educators with submitting professional development to renew a licen
DOE Renewal Application Instructions
This process will include accessing your account, entering your completed professional development, your professional development goals for the next 3 years, and online payment. A new course, NHED Educator License Renewal https://nhdoe.instructure.com/cou
EEducational Interpreter/Transliterator DOE RenewalWho needs to complete an Educational Interpreter/Transliterator DOE Renewal and what are the requirements? Employed as a Superintendent Not Employed in a NH school Employed in a Non-public or Charter School without a Professional Development Master Plan E
Educator DOE Renewal
A new course, NHED Educator License Renewal https://nhdoe.instructure.com/courses/128 , is now available on the NHED Canvas portal. The course is open, self-paced, and designed to assist educators with submitting professional development to renew a licen
Educator Professional Development Requirements
30 hours for each specific endorsement area held and 45 hours aligned with the Professional Education Requirements (Ed 505.03) http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/rules/state_agencies/ed500.html Apply for your renewal Explore the Knowledge Base https://nhdoep
EIS - Educator Information System FAQ
How do I: myNHDOE: Create or Access your account From your EIS Welcome screen, please select the links below: image-20201109-175110.png You will then see the credentials applied for, issued or expired. Be sure to use the Select link to view the endorsemen
EIS: Assignments and Hire/End Dates
Employers provide assignment and employment (hire/end dates) data to EIS via data submission to NHED. Who: The following myNHDOE/EIS User Roles can make manual changes in EIS to hire/end dates: Superintendent, Superintendent Designee, SAU Human Resources,
EIS: Educator Information System Employer Training
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EIS: Recommended Renewal Submission
Renewal Recommendations for full-time and part-time licensed educators are based on the employer’s NHED approved Professional Development Master Plan (PDMP). Please feel free to use any article language or links in your own renewal messaging. Background I
EIS: Checking Credentials/Status
Employers have access to some basic information about an applicant’s in-progress and current credentials. As anyone that creates a myNHDOE/EIS account is given an Ed ID and educator account, the term educator is used below. This does not mean that everyon
EIS: Endorsement Assignment Crosswalk
We have designed a crosswalk that provides all the codes and associates endorsements with assignments. You can use this to determine which endorsements are authorized to teach which assignments. Instructions: Access the Endorsement Assignment Crosswalk En
EIS: Manage Your Teacher Assignments
SAU/District/School staff should be reviewed in EIS every time after data is submitted to NHED. Navigation You can navigate to the Assignments list from your Home page: image-20230518-134254.png You can navigate from other pages in EIS from the Assignment
EIS: Status Updates
Check here for important messages about the status of the Educator Information System (EIS). Employer Updates Site-Based Licensing Plan Processing Beginning next week the Bureau of Credentialing will be implementing some minor changes to the Educator Info
EIS: Text Notifications for Applicants
The Educator Information System (EIS) now offers the option for applicants to receive text notifications for important email communications. Notification Process Opt In Applicants can update profile preferences for text notifications. Log into myNHDOE/EIS
EIS: Uncertified: Employed without SOE tab
image-20230810-171023.pngimage-20230810-171050.png This feature in EIS provides a way for an employer to confirm that assignments are uploaded correctly and that employees are credentialed for the assignments. The following roles are able to see this tab
Employer Links
Canvas Course: Site-Based Licensing Plan (SBLP) Employer https://nhdoe.instructure.com/enroll/6AW8EG Canvas Course: Educator Information System (EIS) for Employers https://nhdoe.instructure.com/enroll/D8FDAX Credentialing Employment Guide EIS: Educator In
Employer Yearly Credentialing Calendar
Many credentialing activities during the year are dependent on accurate Submission Course data. Errors in data entry in the local data system are carried over to the Educator Information System (EIS) and may cause technical difficulties for fellow co-work
End of Plan (EOP) Submission
EOP Steps: Directions: EOP Employer Approval Who: Candidate (with current issued Intern Authorization) How: Gather completed documentation: 1) EOP Signature Page (be sure candidate contact information is current) 2) Copy of original Individualized Profess
Endorsement Comparability
The following table includes some of the most common endorsements NH has evaluated for comparability. This list does not include all states or endorsement types, and endorsements with a particular name in one state may not mean the same thing in another s
Endorsements Available and Requirements
Use the below list to view available NH endorsements and the corresponding Administrative Rule number. Use the Administrative Rule link to view the requirements for each endorsement. Admin Rules have been renumbered. We appreciate your patience as we upda
Examples of Acceptable Professional Growth Activities
Do not submit evidence unless you receive written notification that your application for renewal has been selected for an audit. One continuing educational unit equates to one clock hour, unless otherwise noted below. Hours must be accrued during the thre
FFee ScheduleFEE SCHEDULE RSA 186:11-X(b), Ed 505.09, effective 8/14/2024 *All fees are non-refundable and include processing fee. Payments shall be made either electronically at the time of application at myNHDOE https://my.doe.nh.gov/myNHDOE/Login/Login.aspx or by c
File Lists
Explore the Knowledge Base https://nhdoepm.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CHD/overview
Fingerprinting outside of NH
Fingerprinting is required by the NH Department of Safety (DoS) to complete a criminal history record check and have a report sent to our office. Below are the directions for fingerprinting if you are located outside New Hampshire. Fingerprint Ink Cards S
First-Time Applicant
Criminal History Record Check (CHRC) Clearance During the 2020-2021 legislative session, SB 134 was passed, which creates a new section, RSA 189:13-c, which authorizes the Department of Education to conduct a criminal history records check… The criminal h
Foreign Transcript/Credential Evaluation Information
The Bureau of Credentialing does not have personnel trained in the evaluation of foreign credentials. It will be necessary for you to contact an organization that provides this service in order to equate your specific educational credentials to the compar
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HHow to obtain a license in New HampshireUse the information below to obtain a license in New Hampshire. Decide which application(s) to submit: New Endorsement/Pathway Only Determine which endorsement and pathway you are eligible for if you have never held a NH license. Obtain a New Endorsement
How-to articles List
Explore the Knowledge Base https://nhdoepm.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CHD/overview
IIHE Links (NH Approved Educator Preparation Program Institutions)Links for staff IHE Program Completion Recommendation Process Instructions for how to submit a recommendation for a student through the Educator Information System (EIS) NHED Bureau of Educator Preparation and Higher Education https://www.education.nh.gov
IHE Out of State Approved Educator Preparation Program Licensure Disclosure
To assist with meeting federal rules regarding professional licensure disclosures, please see the information below regarding NH’s acceptance of out of state educator preparation programs. Reciprocity Approved Educator Preparation Programs from outside of
IHE Program Completion Recommendation Process
An IHE Program Completion Recommendation is the attestation/certification by a PEPP that a student has completed the licensure requirements for a particular endorsement as determined by the NH State Board of Education approved program and the Ed 600 rules
Important Announcements
Credentialing Employment Guide Technical Advisory https://www.education.nh.gov/sites/g/files/ehbemt326/files/inline-documents/sonh/minor-assignment.pdf Basic Academic Skills Assessment (BASA) and Subject Area Testing Information Fee Schedule Administrativ
In Process of Licensure Authorization (IPLA)
The NH State Board of Education allows for an In Process of Licensure Authorization (IPLA) under certain circumstances. Ed 504.05 http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/rules/state_agencies/ed500.html A request must be received from a Senior Educational Official
Explore the Knowledge Base
Information Regarding Revised Credentialing Rules
October 5, 2020 The New Hampshire State Board of Education has recently adopted a revised set of administrative rules governing educator credentialing structure, application processing, and the corresponding fee structure. The information below is intende
Intern Authorization Extension
The Administrative Rules authorize the extension of an Intern Authorization in certain circumstances. Administrative Rule Ed 509(f)(14) https://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/rules/state_agencies/ed500.html The department, at the request of the senior education
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LLicense ReciprocityThe following table includes some of the most common types of licenses NH has evaluated for full licensure. This list does not include all states or license types, and licenses with a particular name in one state may not mean the same thing in another sta
Local Critical Shortage
Local Determination of Critical Staffing Shortage Per RSA 189:39a http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/rsa/html/XV/189/189-39-a.htm “Notwithstanding a determination of critical staffing shortage made by the department of education, a superintendent, with the a
MMilitary and NH Servicemembers, Veterans and Spouses Expedited ReviewIn January 2023, Congress added a new provision to the SCRA http://www.justice.gov/d9/2023-07/doj_scra_license_portability_fact_sheet.pdf that allows servicemembers and their spouses to use their professional licenses and certificates when they relocate d
myNHDOE: Create or Access your account
Visit myNHDOE https://my.doe.nh.gov/myNHDOE/Login/Login.aspx myNHDOE is the portal through which you can access many Department of Education applications, including the Educator Information System (EIS). image-20200220-173941.png It is possible that you m
NNavigate the Knowledge BaseFind what you need! Using the Knowledge Base allows you to get your answers quickly when it is convenient for you, even outside of our business hours! Search Looking for something specific? Use the Search Page Browse by Topic Want an alphabetical list of
SARA is an agreement among member states, districts and territories that establishes comparable national standards for interstate offering of postsecondary distance learning. To learn more visit https://www.education.nh.gov/who-we-are/division-of-educator
New Applicant or Add an Endorsement
Requirements listed below are for each endorsement you are seeking. Completing a pathway for one endorsement does not mean you have met the requirements for any other endorsement. NH does not offer a pathway to licensure that only requires taking a test.
NH Approved Educator Preparation Program Recommendation Important Instructions and Troubleshooting Login or create a myNHDOE account https://nhdoepm.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CHD/pages/1006665737/EIS%3A+Educator+Information+System+FAQ From your EIS Welcome screen, select the following links: image-20201109-160
NH Department of Education Professional Development Master Plan
The purposes of the NH Department of Education Professional Development Master Plan are to ensure that certified educators who are not employed with a NH school district or participating nonpublic school are prepared to enter a NH classroom. It provides g
NH PEPP Clinical Educator Comparability
The following information can assist NH IHE PEPP programs with determining if an educator meets the requirements of a Clinical Educator. Flowchart of Clinical Educator Requirements Comparability License Reciprocity Endorsement Comparability Credentialing
OObtain a New Endorsement with an Expired LicenseHeld a Beginning or Experienced Educator License in NH and let the license expire, but wish to obtain a new endorsement? Please follow the directions below. Determine employment status/renewal requirements Employment in the education field public/charter/
One-Year Certificate of Eligibility
Administrative Rule Ed 504.04 – Emergency Authorization was repealed by the State Board of Education as of July 12, 2024. This repeal removes the responsibility of issuing One-Year Certificates of Eligibility from the Department of Education’s Bureau of C
Other Requests
Explore the Knowledge Base https://nhdoepm.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CHD/overview
Out-of-State Applicant
For applicants with approved educator preparation programs and/or educator licenses from out of state (any state of the U.S., the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, a Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, the Department of Defense Ed
PPaper ApplicationsPlease note paper applications should be used only in instances when an online application is not possible. Applications submitted via paper may experience longer processing times. Please View the form, download and then you can complete/save as a fillabl
Paraeducator DOE Renewal
Who needs to complete a Paraeducator DOE Renewal and what are the requirements? Not Employed in a NH school Employed in NH school but not included under the employer Professional Development Master Plan Employed in a Non-public or Charter School without a
Paraeducator I and II Application Requirements
2002 Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) updated with No Child Left Behind (NCLB) legislation. In response to the new requirements in NCLB, as well as Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) legislation, the NH State Board of Educatio
Paraeducator, School Nurse, Educational Interpreter/Transliterator
Paraeducator Paraeducator I and II Application Requirements School Nurse School Nurse Technical Advisory (2017) https://www.education.nh.gov/sites/g/files/ehbemt326/files/inline-documents/nurse-certification.pdf School Nurse Memo (Requirements) Applicatio
Payment Troubleshooting
Unsure if your payment and application went through? This article will help you troubleshoot most payment issues and give you next steps to ensure we have your application and fee. Our system only accepts Visa or MasterCard credit cards. If you have attem
Professional Development Master Plan
Administrative Rule: Ed 513 http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/rules/state_agencies/ed500.html (Documents below still reference Ed 512. We appreciate your patience as we work to update the documents.) Professional Development Master Plan Template Professiona
Professional Educator Preparation Program (PEPP) Candidate
Criminal History Record Check (CHRC) Clearance During the 2020-2021 legislative session, SB 134 was passed, which creates a new section, RSA 189:13-c, which authorizes the Department of Education to conduct a criminal history records check… The criminal h
Provide Professional Development to NH license holders
The NHDOE neither approves nor recommends (formally or informally) professional learning opportunities and providers. License holders renew following the local SAU Professional Development Master Plan if employed under such, and are often required to hav
Public Charter and Nonpublic school SBLP Participation
Adherence to the minimum curriculum standards is a necessary element in meeting the requirement of Ed 505.06(g) for all teacher licensure endorsements. Participation overview and requirements for Public Charter and Nonpublic schools: Nonpublic Schools mus
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RRecommended RenewalRecommendations for renewal will be submitted through the Educator Information System (EIS) by the employer. Your employer must have a NHED approved Professional Development Master Plan for you to receive a recommended renewal. A new course, NHED Educator
Renew an Existing License
License Renewals License holders (Beginning Educator, Experienced Educator, School Nurse, Paraeducator and Educational Interpreter/Transliterator) are either recommended for renewal through a NH employer that has a NHDOE approved Professional Development
Requirements Summary
Summary of degree and other requirements for Superintendent, Curriculum Administrator, Special Education Administrator, and Principal. View and Download by clicking on PDF Credentialing Help Desk Requests We’re here to assist! Create an Account Submit and
Accredited Postsecondary Institutions (USDOE) https://ope.ed.gov/dapip/#/home Foreign Evaluation Information https://nhdoepm.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CHD/pages/275775778/Foreign+Evaluation+Information Adoption, Amendment, or Repeal of Rules https://www.e
SSchool Bus DriverCriminal History Record Check (CHRC) Clearance Update: effective 6/2/2023 Transportation Monitors are no longer required to complete a NHED Criminal History Record Check Clearance - Transportation Monitor checks are the responsibility of the SAU (see Tech
School Nurse DOE Renewal
Complete the Renewal Form listing Dates, Number of hours completed, and the Title of activity and Sponsoring Organization, and sign form. Applications submitted for renewal may be selected for audit. If you are audited you will be requested to provide ver
School Nurse Memo
In response to RSA 200:29 School Health Services (effective August 20, 2016), the State Board of Education has adopted rules for the licensure and renewal of School Nurses (Ed 504.07, 504.08, 504.09, 512.07) and re-adopted with amendment rules Ed 306.12,
Science 5-9 (amended endorsement)
Information for those educators previously issued Middle Level Science 5-9. In January 2014, the State Board changed the endorsement from Middle Level Science 5-9 to Middle Level Science 5-8. This endorsement is currently named Science 5-8. Transition Pro
Search the Knowledge Base
The Knowledge Base will show related pages while you type in the search box to the right. Click on a page of interest. Or continue typing and then press Enter on your keyboard. You will be taken to a Search results page. Click on a page of interest. Use t
Site-Based Licensing Plan (SBLP) Overview
After meeting initial requirements to become employed in New Hampshire as an educator, this pathway allows 3 years to meet all NH licensing requirements while working under an Intern Authorization. Statement of Eligibility An issued Statement of Eligibili
Statement of Eligibility (SOE) Requirements
An issued Statement of Eligibility informs a New Hampshire employer that you have met the minimum requirements to be hired in the role of the endorsement sought and begin the Site-Based Licensing Plan process. General Information First-Time Applicants Cri
Step by Step Site-Based Licensing Plan Instructions
SOE - Statement of Eligibility IPDP - Individualized Professional Development Plan BOP - Beginning of Plan INT - Intern Authorization EOP - End of Plan DOE - Department of Education Step Instructions Obtain an SOE Review the SOE Requirements to determine
Superintendent Renewal
A new course, NHED Educator License Renewal https://nhdoe.instructure.com/courses/128 , is now available on the NHED Canvas portal. The course is open, self-paced, and designed to assist educators with submitting professional development to renew a licen
TTerminology TransitionsBelow is a list of credentialing terms that are transitioning to new language. Transitions may be due to RSA/rule changes, business practice, or consolidation/clarification. We appreciate your patience as we work to update our documents, this Knowledge Ba
Test Evaluation Request
Test evaluations are only available for students enrolling or enrolled in a NH approved educator preparation program that are not yet eligible to apply for licensure. All other applicants must submit test score reports with an application for evaluation.
Transfer an Intern Authorization
If you are no longer employed in the SAU, charter or non-public school where you originally held your Intern Authorization: Submit a new Beginning of Plan (BOP) once you are hired elsewhere in the endorsement area of your Intern Authorization. Your new em
UUpgrade to an Experienced Educator License (EEL)Experienced Educator Licenses are not available for Paraeducators, School Nurse or Educational Interpreter/Transliterator. “Experience” means full-time employment in a specific educator role, or equivalent to full-time, and does not include time in a role
Upload/Download documents and print e-credentials
As of 11/15/2018, Credentialing will no longer accept the following documents via mail or email: Experience Letters, GED/HiSET, Industry Credentials, National Licenses, Official Transcripts, Out of State Educator Credentials, Professional Licenses, Progra
VVerification of a Credential RequestCredential Verification Do you need documentation of an expired credential, test scores, or have an employment/licensure form for us to complete? Information about Credential Verifications What is a Credential Verification? A Credential Verification reque
Video DOE Renewal Application Instructions
This process will include accessing your account, entering your completed professional development, your professional development goals for the next 3 years, and online payment. There is an idle screen time limit (15 minutes) when entering each PD activit
WWorking With Your MentorOnce you are issued a Statement of Eligibility (SOE) and have obtained employment in the role with a New Hampshire PK-12 employer, use the steps below to prepare your plan for submission. Step 1 Speak with your employer to be assigned a mentor. Your mento
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